A definition of the term "grant of probate" is presented. It refers to a document issued by a probate office in Great Britain that pronounces the validity of a will and upholds the appointment of the executor(s).EBSCO_bspBloomsbury Business Library Business & Management Dictionary...
scheme in EDO,nograntofprobateorletters of administration can be issued until estate duty clearance has been obtained. legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 在《遺產稅條例》的現行制度下,法院須待申請人領取遺產 稅清妥證明書後,才會發出遺囑認證書或遺產管理書。
the creation of an interest in property and its vesting in a person (the grantee). In modern conditions, the word ‘grant’ denotes the creation of an inferior interest out of an interest retained by the grantor, e.g. the grant of a lease of land by the person holding the freehold. ...
grantsof probate to deal with wills.•By summer 1990,44 schools had successfullyapplied for grantmaintained status.•I must have mentioned how expensive my activities were becoming, because Suzy suggested that I triedapplying for a grant.•Weapplied for grantsfrom a number of grant-giving ...
grant of probate Grant Ulysses Simpson Grant Wood Granta grantable grant-aided granted grantee granter Granth Granth Sahib Grantham Granthi grant-in-aid granting immunity grant-maintained grantor grantor trust grantsman grantsmanship granular granular cast ...
Probate avoidance and warranty of title are separate features that can coincide in the same deed. So, more than one name may apply to a single deed. For example, a California life estate deed may also be a California grant deed if the deed provides a limited warranty of title. ...
The first three cases filed in the new Probate Court of the very new Los Angeles County, U.S.A., were filed for Jacopa Feliz, commencement of many legal actions to settle the estate of the late Antonio del Valle, and perfect the title of Rancho San Francisco, under the new governing ...
Does the executor of a will who gets a grant of probate usually do this before or after the person dies? I'm not familiar with how exactly the process of distributing assets works after someone passes away. Do the people in the will know that they are being included, or is it always ...