v. to transfer real property from a title holder (grantor) or holders to another (grantee) with or without payment. However, there is an important difference between the types of deeds used. A grant deed warrants (guarantees) that the grantor (seller) has full right and title to the prope...
If the WHITE Form of Acceptance is executed by a person other than the registered Shareholder, appropriate documentary evidence of authority (suchasgrantofprobateorcertified copy of power of attorney) to the satisfaction of the Registrar must be produced. ...
grant of probate Grant Ulysses Simpson Grant Wood Granta grantable grant-aided granted grantee granter Granth Granth Sahib Grantham Granthi grant-in-aid granting immunity grant-maintained grantor grantor trust grantsman grantsmanship granular granular cast ...
grantor- a person who makes a grant in legal form; "conveyed from grantor to grantee" withholder- a person who refrains from granting; "a withholder of payments" Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
aThe Act allows for banks, building societies and insurance companies to apply for grants of probate. It also permits professional bodies to apply to the Lord Chancellor to become 'Approved Bodies ' who may grant their members the right to offer probate services. However, an Approved Body can ...
Another estate-planning deed—called asurvivorship deed—allows real estate to bypass probate by adding a new co-owner and using a co-ownership form with a right of survivorship. That typically means the co-owners hold title as joint tenants with right of survivorship or (if they are married...
[...]renumbered as section 49AB) of PAO requires the Probate Registry to provide the Commissioner with information supplied by the applicant for sealingofagrant byacourt outside Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 上述條例擬議第49AA條 (將重編為第 49AB條 )規定,遺產承辦處須向稅務局局長提...
grant column l grant componen grant in aid grant leave to grant of paten grant of perso grant of proba grant of repre grant pension grant probate grant sb a req grant sb leave grant sb the p grant sb's wis Grant's operat grant-aid grant-aided grant-in-aid grantable granted granted ...
tirelessly to set things right. For experienced legal representation in cases involving discrimination, confronting sexual harassment, seeking fair compensation for a personal injury, or planning for the future regarding wills & probate law, our knowledgeable team is here to serve all of your legal ...