grantsof probate to deal with wills.•By summer 1990,44 schools had successfullyapplied for grantmaintained status.•I must have mentioned how expensive my activities were becoming, because Suzy suggested that I triedapplying for a grant.•Weapplied for grantsfrom a number of grant-giving ...
v. to transfer real property from a title holder (grantor) or holders to another (grantee) with or without payment. However, there is an important difference between the types of deeds used. A grant deed warrants (guarantees) that the grantor (seller) has full right and title to the prope...
a trade.receive a grantIt is likely that you will receive a grant to cover your tuition.give/award somebody a grantIf you have been awarded a grant, you must send the details to the funded by a grantThe expansion of the computer department was funded by a government grant....
[...]renumbered as section 49AB) of PAO requires the Probate Registry to provide the Commissioner with information supplied by the applicant for sealingofagrant byacourt outside Hong Kong. 上述條例擬議第49AA條 (將重編為第 49AB條 )規定,遺產承辦處須向稅務局局長提...
Probate avoidance and warranty of title are separate features that can coincide in the same deed. So, more than one name may apply to a single deed. For example, a California life estate deed may also be a California grant deed if the deed provides a limited warranty of title. ...