Microsoft.Graph.Groups Grant users access to a link represented by a permission. 备注 To view the beta release of this cmdlet, viewGrant-MgBetaGroupSitePermission Syntax PowerShell复制 Grant-MgGroupSitePermission-GroupId<String>-PermissionId<String>-SiteId<String> [-ResponseHeadersVariable <String>...
Grant users access to a link represented by a [permission][]. 备注 To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Grant-MgBetaSharePermissionSyntaxPowerShell 复制 Grant-MgSharePermission -SharedDriveItemId <String> [-ResponseHeadersVariable <String>] [-AdditionalProperties <Hashtable>] [-...
Grant users access to a link represented by a permission. หมายเหตุ To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Grant-MgBetaGroupDriveRootPermissionSyntaxPowerShell คัดลอก Grant-MgGroupDriveRootPermission -DriveId <String> -GroupId <String> -Permissio...
2. User Delegated permissions For the application permissions: AAD portal provides UI to Grand the Admin consent: For the user delegated permissions: For the delegated permissions to provide the consent, user need to login to the application requires the access and using...
Use the Grant-CsGraphPolicy cmdlet to assign a predefined graph policy to users in your organization. To return a list of all the Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) roles a cmdlet has been assigned to (including any custom RBAC roles you have created), run the following command: Get-CsAdmin...
遇到了 SQLException: access denied for @'localhost' (using password: no)解决办法grantall privileges on *.* to joe@localhost identified by '123';flush privileges;拿 joe 1 23登陆附:mysql>grant权限1,权限2,…权限n o mysql grant 原创
Proper apps permissions from azure AD to grant access on Microsoft Graph where we can extract users emails information like To, From, Cc, Bcc, Subject. Tried to grant all access but still encountering an access denied error. None Expected result will show users emails information like To, From...
遇到了 SQLException: access denied for @'localhost' (using password: no)解决办法grantall privileges on *.* to joe@localhost identified by '123';flush privileges;拿 joe 1 23登陆附:mysql>grant权限1,权限2,…权限n o mysql grant 原创
GRANT CREATE SESSION TO hr, newuser IDENTIFIED BY password1, password2; ロールへのシステム権限の付与: 例 次の文は、データ・ウェアハウス管理者ロール(「ロールの作成: 例」で作成)に、適切なシステム権限を付与します。 コピー GRANT CREATE ANY MATERIALIZED VIEW , ALTER ANY MATERIALI...