⑥grant of probate:遗嘱认证许可。例如,The family had to wait for the grant of probate before they could deal with the estate.(这家人在处理遗产之前必须等待遗嘱认证许可,只有得到许可后才能合法处理相关遗产 ); ⑦grant access to:准许进入。例如,The security guard granted access to the authorized pers...
the proceduresforprobateapplication after the abolition of estate duty and the commencement [...] legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 為回應法案委員會提出的各項關注,包括在取消遺產稅後承辦遺產的程序及條例草案的生效日 期,政府當局已同意就條例草案動議委員會審議階 ...
•Heapplied for a grantof land and this was sold to him for a nominal sum.•Solicitors will lose their monopoly onapplying for grantsof probate to deal with wills.•By summer 1990,44 schools had successfullyapplied for grantmaintained status.•I must have mentioned how expensive my ...
the term comprehends everything that is granted or passed from one to another, and is applied to every species of property. Grant is one of the usual words in a feoffment, and differs but little except in the subject-matter; for the operative words used in grants are dedi et concessi,...
•The company'sapplicationto build a billiondollarleisurecomplexhas beengrantedby cityhall.•McCord, now 23, wasgrantedclemencylast week afterU. S.Rep.•Theauthoritieshaverefusedtogranthim a visa tovisitthe US.•Politicianshaveperceivedlittlegainingrantingpetitionsfor something thatoffendsthe...
[...]renumbered as section 49AB) of PAO requires the Probate Registry to provide the Commissioner with information supplied by the applicant for sealingofagrant byacourt outside Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 上述條例擬議第49AA條 (將重編為第 49AB條 )規定,遺產承辦處須向稅務局局長提...
Are there any instances when someone would not be given a grant of probate even if they were specifically mentioned in the will? Are there any qualifications for the person? For example, I was thinking maybe there were rules about the person's relationship to the deceased or whether the exec...