A research grant for PhD students at universities in the United States and Canada, who are underrepresented in the field of computing and pursuing research aligned to the research areas carried out by researchers at Microsoft. How to submit a proposal Doctoral students enrolled in their fourth year...
Month and year you entered the PhD program and expected graduation date (you must be in your fourth year or beyond of the PhD program as of March 22, 2021, the proposal deadline) Attestation that you are a doctoral student who is underrepresented in the field of computing which include tho...
PhD学生:Fellowship、TA、RA奖学金全覆盖,学费和生活费都不用愁! 硕士学生:虽然以自费为主,但也有机会获得以下奖学金: Dissertation Research Grant:博士论文补贴,最高约7300元人民币! Master's Thesis Research Grant:面向人类学、艺术史、创意写作、编剧等专业的硕士生,专属福利别错过! 🔗申请方式:直接登录加州...
Research grants for students from any country to undertake geographical research in the GreaterChinaregion Study Subject: Geography Employer:RGS-IBG Level:Postgraduate Scholarship Description: The Society offers a single annual research grant of up to £2,500 to a postgraduate student of any nationa...
Rebecca Fascia, a PhD student at Politecnico di Milano in Italy, is developing a method for digitally archiving the cultural heritage of Piacenza in Emilia-Romagna. The project emphasizes the shift from traditional methods of documentation and conservation to digitization; promoting real-time, data-dr...
Nationality: Domestic or international student The award can be taken in Australia Eligibility Eligible Countries: Aspirants from Australia or New Zealand are invited to apply. Eligible Course or Subjects: Research students are eligible for this opportunity. Eligibility Criteria: Meeting the eligibility ...
* May We Contact You? By checking this box, I agree to receive relevant marketing communications fromBio-Techneand its brands in accordance withBio-Techne’sPrivacy Notice. ELIGIBILITY: Researchers from an academic or non-profit institution (e.g., technician, PhD/graduate student, post-doc, ...
research and how future projects or applications might incorporate the expected results of the current proposal. For example, data from a proposal to understand the basic molecular mechanism of a molecule could lead to a future application of a more translational project, or that translational ...
our research highlights a notable shift in Grant Proposal Manager compensation over the past six years. For instance, the median salary has moved from $87,659 in 2023 to about $87,488 in 2024(for a comprehensive analysis of Grant Proposal Manager salary trends, click here).It's crucial to...
Those who excel in PhD programs are the ones who recognize how their work fits into a broader research community, not just the ones who view it as the next chapter in school. 在博士项目中表现出色的人是那些认识到他们的工作如何融入更广泛的研究领域的人,而不仅仅是把它看作是学校生活的下一个...