例如,假设用户名为JohnDoe。 步骤3:使用T-SQL语句 使用以下T-SQL语句来授予执行权限: GRANTEXECUTEONMyStoredProcedureTOJohnDoe; 1. 这条语句的意思是授予用户JohnDoe对存储过程MyStoredProcedure的执行权限。 步骤4:测试权限 以用户JohnDoe的身份登录到SQL Server,并尝试执行存储过程: EXECMyStoredProcedure; 1. 如...
SQL複製 -- Execute the following as a database ownerGRANTEXECUTEONTestProcTOTesterRoleWITHGRANTOPTION; EXEC sp_addrolemember TesterRole, User1;-- Execute the following as User1-- The following fails because User1 does not have the permission as the User1GRANTEXECUTEONTestProcTOUser2;-- The fo...
SQL复制 -- Execute the following as a database ownerGRANTEXECUTEONTestProcTOTesterRoleWITHGRANTOPTION; EXEC sp_addrolemember TesterRole, User1;-- Execute the following as User1-- The following fails because User1 does not have the permission as the User1GRANTEXECUTEONTestProcTOUser2;-- The fo...
declare@sqlnvarchar(4000)declare@db sysname ;set@db = DB_NAME()declare@u sysname ;set@u = QUOTENAME('<insert_username>')set@sql='select ''grant exec on '' + QUOTENAME(ROUTINE_SCHEMA) + ''.'' +QUOTENAME(ROUTINE_NAME) + ''TO'+ @u + '''FROMINFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES '+'WHERE OB...
EXECsp_addrolemember'HR','JohnDoe'; 1. 流程图 为了更清晰地理解用户权限管理的流程,我们可以用流程图来表示: 已创建角色未创建角色开始确定用户角色授予角色权限创建角色将用户添加到角色结束 注意事项 在使用GRANT命令时,要注意以下事项: 确保只授予用户所需的最少权限,以降低安全风险。
lang-sql Option 2 : You can also use undocumented SPEXEC sp_msforeachdb 'USE ?; GRANT EXECUTE TO UserOrRoleName' Option 3: Depending on your schema (if you have multiple schema), you could grant execute on a schema's procs i.e. ...
1createrole Select_Fuction--创建角色23GRANTselect4ONOBJECT::dbo.Select_Questions5TOSelect_Fuction;67execsp_addrolemember'Select_Fuction','User2'--将Select_Fuction角色添加到User2用户中 5.转换上下文到user2,执行函数调用。 示例代码: 1REVERT;2EXECUTEASLOGIN='TestUser2'3selectUSER_NAME()45select*from...
SQLCopy -- Execute the following as a database ownerGRANTEXECUTEONTestProcTOTesterRoleWITHGRANTOPTION; EXEC sp_addrolemember TesterRole, User1;-- Execute the following as User1-- The following fails because User1 does not have the permission as the User1GRANTEXECUTEONTestMeTOUser2;-- The foll...
SQL -- Execute the following as a database ownerGRANTEXECUTEONTestProcTOTesterRoleWITHGRANTOPTION; EXEC sp_addrolemember TesterRole, User1;-- Execute the following as User1-- The following fails because User1 does not have the permission as the User1GRANTEXECUTEONTestProcTOUser2;-- The followi...
C. 给 SQL Server 角色授予权限 下面的示例将 CREATE TABLE 权限授予 Accounting 角色的所有成员。GRANT CREATE TABLE TO Accounting D. 用 AS 选项授予权限 用户 Jean 拥有表 Plan_Data。Jean 将表 Plan_Data 的 SELECT 权限授予 Accounting 角色(指定 WITH GRANT OPTION 子句)。用户 Jill 是 ...