GRANT ALL ON kinds TO manuel; 兼容性 SQL92 SQL92 GRANT 语法允许对表中的某单独列/字段设置权限,并且允许设置一权限以赋予别人相同权限. GRANT privilege[, ...] ON object[ ( column[, ...] ) ] [, ...] TO { PUBLIC | username[, ...] } [ WITH GRANT OPTION ] 这些字段与 Postgres 实现...
public | postgres s1 | postgres s2 | postgres (3 rows)t1=# create user u1 password ‘123456';CREATE ROLE t1=# create user u2 password ‘123456';CREATE ROLE t1=# grant all privileges on schema s1 to u1;GRANT t1=# grant all privileges on schema s2 to u1;GRANT t1=# \c - u1 You ...
While connected to the database in question as superuser (postgres for instance): REVOKE ALL ON DATABASE mydb FROM public; -- shut out the general public GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE mydb TO mygrp; -- since we revoked from public GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO mygrp; To assign "a ...
GRANT { { CREATE | USAGE | ALTER | DROP | COMMENT } [, ...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] } ON SCHEMA schema_name [, ...] TO { [ GROUP ] role_name | PUBLIC } [, ...] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ]; 将模式中的表或者视图对象授权给其他用户时,需要将表或视图所属的模式的USAGE权限同时授予...
Here are the commands I recently used as the postgres user to grant privileges:postgres@dev:~$ psql psql (9.1.9) Type "help" for help. postgres=# grant usage on SCHEMA public to proton_read; GRANT postgres=# grant select on all tables in schema public to proton_read; GRANT postgres=#...
文章转载自:http://www.linuxforum.net/books/postgresNEW/sql-grant.htmGRANT名称GRANT— 赋予一个用户,一个组或所有用户访问权限GRANTprivilege [, ...] ON object [, ...] TO { PUBLIC | GROUP group | oracle 职场 休闲 转载精选 ljh0242