无意发现一篇blog,说了Mark Granovetter名篇 The Strength of Weak Ties(AJS, 1973。不是ASR!!)一文的早期版本,投稿ASR遭拒的经历。挺有趣。 1. ASR给格兰诺维特的拒信的摘要: This is the rejection letterGranovetterreceived fromAmerican Sociological Review in 1969on an early version of his semina...
The Strength of Weak Ties Mark S. Granovetter The American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 78, No. 6. (May, 1973), pp. 1360-1380. Stable URL: /sici?sici=0002-96022978%3A6%3C1360%3ATSOWT%3E2.0.CO%3B2-E The American Journal of Sociology is currently published by The University of ...
Granovetter's Theory of the Strength of Weak Ties Motivation for Granovetter’s Theory Careers, job changing. Why is it that people so often get jobs from weak ties? How do large groups coordinate to make things happen, for example to meet a threat from outside...
[(BD)/(AE)|BIn 1973, Mark Granovetter, asociology professor at Stanford University, published a paperentitled T he Strengthof Weak T ies. It wenton to become one of themost influential sociology papers of alltime. Until then scholars had assumed that an individual'swell-being depended mainly...
In 1973, Mark Granovetter, a sociology professor at Stanford University, published a paper entitledThe Strength of Weak Ties. It went on to become one of the most influential sociology papers of all time. Until then scholars had assumed that an individual's well-being depended mainly on the ...
Granovetter initially uses the concept of "the strength of ties" and makes the distinction between strong ties and weak ties. Furthermore, he proposes that the strength of ties can be measured by the following four dimensions: the amount of time, the emotional intensity, the intimacy (mutual ...
weak ties to the center and to other scientific groups Marginals can better afford to innovate and the innovations are adopted by the center. Local bridges and weak ties promote the regular flow of novel information in differentiated structures. (Friedkin, 1980) Most of the influence is carried ...
Granovetter's most famous work, "The Strength of Weak Ties", is considered to be one of the most influential sociology papers ever written.[3] In marketing or politics, the weak ties enable reaching populations and audiences that are not accessible via strong ties. The concepts of this work...
A Test of Structural Features of Granovetter's Strength of Weak Ties Theory. Social Networks 1980; 2:411-422.Friedkin, N. (1980). A test of structural features of Granovetter’s strength of weak ties theory. Social Networks, 2 , 411–422....