奶奶3电脑版是一款借助模拟器运行的一款非常好玩的恐怖解谜逃脱游戏,英文名叫Granny 3,在游戏中玩家将扮演主角,你需要在一个陌生的环境中解开各种谜题,逃脱老奶奶的追捕,并揭开背后的恐怖秘密,而游戏的规则非常简单,被关在房间里的玩家,需要想尽办法,利用线索解决难题,在五天之内逃出去。
Step by step to download and play Grannyon PC We highly recommend playing Grannyon PC using MEmu Android emulator. If you haven’t downloaded already, pleaseinstall it here. Then you can download Granny fromGoogle Play. Alternatively, if you would like to directly install the APK offline file...
granny3电脑版中你可以体验到最恐怖的冒险,在第三代中,奶奶、爷爷、孙女将会一起对你发起进攻,而你依然需要在限定的时间内想办法逃离这个可怕的屋子,灵活使用各种道具,用自己的方式来解决各种各样的难题,挑战这些可怕的怪物,并且发现它们的秘密。 granny3特色: ...
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Step 2: download apk mod Step 3: install apk mod Step 4: open the game & enjoy CHANGELOG r2.v2.0.0: - 4 NEW NPCs- 10 NEW ANIMATIONS- 1 NEW MAP (Minecraft Grass Flat World)- You can now replace granny as NPC- Fixed Menu size for some devices- Moved Menu Settings on the first ...
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