The deep-buried high geothermal tunnel in this study is located in the mountainous gorge region of southwestern China with elevation ranging from 2121 to 4637 m. The total length of the main tunnel is over 30 km, the maximum buried depth is over 2000 m, and the tunnel contains seven branch...
25). The maximum temperature after 60 s microwave irradiation with 30 kW is higher than after 72 s with 25 kW (246 °C compared to 239 °C). Only a slightly larger volume contains temperature values higher than 40 °C (4.01 vol.% compared to 4.00 vol.%). These variations are caused...
Except for the N3-Q3 sample with abnormally high SiO2 content (84.39%) due to silicification alteration, the SiO2 in Figure 7A–G shows a linear correlation with other elements, indicating that the magma contains a certain content of differentiated minerals, such as feldspar and hornblende [88]...
NFA ranged from fine-grained to very fine-grained. Calcite had a sub-idioblastic to xenoblastic shape and was undeformed. The grain boundaries were predominantly granoblastic interlobate, although the triple junction also had a granoblastic polygonal shape. Quartz and opaque minerals were also prese...
This indicates that in this layer, the adsorption capacity of clay minerals for rare earth elements is smaller than the leaching effect of weathering, causing the migration of rare earth elements. Two factors influence this phenomenon: firstly, the increase in Fe3+ in this layer, as Fe3+ ...