Four generations of my people sleep in its soil; I have children there, and a grandson; the dead past and the living future tie me to it. — Larry L. King 3 I think it's going to take three or four generations of gay people being able to get married before it starts feeling les...
The real message of this post is to tell those you love that YOU LOVE THEM! Tell them often. Make absolutely sure they know. Donottake it for granted. This weekend we learned that our next door neighbor’s daughter-in-law had died rather suddenly. She was a lovely young woman in her...
I feel left behind. Even the things I take for grantedstunhim. He gets eloquent about a lake glazed with the silver mesh of sun, or buds curled tight as fists. To him, every annoying insect is a marvelous toy. My husband has become curious as my infant grandson, examining the intricaci...