不说了,爆了那么多料,我要赶紧掏出我的星巴克金卡去点一杯double Tall with cream Caramel Macchiato...
The Cloud Macchiato updates the original version by replacing the regular liquid milk with Starbucks' trademarked Cold Foam. The drink is available in caramel and cinnamon flavors and can be served hot or cold. USA Today reports the Cloud Macchiato was heavily inspired by a Spanish drink called...
意大利人放在小杯子里的浓缩咖啡给了他极大的启发。于是就有了第一家星巴克Espresso Bar,不同于意大利的...
意大利人放在小杯子里的浓缩咖啡给了他极大的启发。于是就有了第一家星巴克Espresso Bar,不同于意大利的...
The coffee giant recently released their other spring drinks, which include the Hazelnut Mocha Coconut Milk Macchiato and the Cinnamon Almond Milk Macchiato, which sound amazing, but really can't compare to the Caramel Popcorn Pretzel Frappuccino that you can now get at Starbucks in Australia. ...
(图片来自于@Starbucks官网,版权属于原作者) Iced Caramel Cloud Macchiato 爱喝星巴克家的焦糖玛奇朵冰饮的小伙伴们一定要尝一尝这款哦~在espresso里面加入了香草糖浆、焦糖糖浆、和牛奶,上面盖上了一层轻棉的奶盖,不但给这款玛奇朵加入了更多的奶香,而且加上了奶盖的口感,绝对值得一尝哦!Grande size:190卡。
Macchiato/,mækɪ'ɑːtəʊ/玛奇朵 几勺细腻的奶泡搭配意式浓缩,一杯玛奇朵就完成了。Caramel Macchiato(焦糖玛奇朵)比玛奇朵多了些糖浆与焦糖,寓意“甜蜜的印记”。 Latte/'lɑte/拿铁 拿铁是由浓缩咖啡和牛奶混合而成,比例一般控制在1.5:1,在牛奶上面还会有少量的奶泡。
这篇文章当然还提到了当时已开始火爆全美的星巴克:The Starbucks chain of nearly 200 espresso bars and...