地缘大战略: 中国的地缘政治环境及其战略选 择. 太原: 山西人民出版社. [Ding L. 2010. The grand strategy of geopolitics: China's geopolitical environment ... 金骏远 - 中国大战略与国际安全:China's grand strategy and international security 被引量: 12发表: 2008年 加载更多来源...
——被忽略的Revising US Grand Strategy Toward China报告 中美贸易战,意外抑或不意外地,成为了搅动2018年国际经济的头等大事。所谓意外,对于国内媒体来说,年初的主旋律还是“核心“、”全面脱贫“什么的,那时候压根没想贸易战如此来势汹汹,美国如此不依不饶;而对国外市场来说,虽对贸易战关注和担忧要比国内早(大...
Chinese Grand StrategyChinaGrand StrategyAsiaThe rise of China from a poor, isolated country to a prosperous and powerful one in forty years' time is one of the most interesting and impactful phenomena inSocial Science Electronic Publishing
It goes without saying how significant the Grand Canal was for rulers of different dynasties in governing China; and it is not hard to understand the importance of great courage, a comprehensive strategy, and an ambitious blueprint in governing a nation....
美 英 un.重要战略 网络大战略;美国大战略;大策略 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 重要战略
China's grand strategy and Myanmar's peace process Despite growing interest in China, scholars continue to grapple with its reemergence as a major power, offering gloomy predictions of a fraught geopolitical landscape. More recent analyses, however, stemming from constructivist thinking,... C Roy -...
China has the potential both to guarantee North Korea's security, and to impose and enforce a denuclearization agreement. We analyze China's changing grand strategy and its implications for China's Korea goals and policies. To Deng Xiaoping's emphasis on China's national interests, China's ...
China and APEC : grand harmony, grand theatrics or grand strategy? : a thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts... China and APEC : grand harmony, grand theatrics or grand strategy? : a thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the...
17.Strategy Choice of the West China Being Open to Develop;西部的战略选择——以大开放促大开发 18.Intercourse with Big Countries --A commentary of the equilibrium strategy among big countries of the ASEAN;在大国间周旋——评东盟的大国平衡战略 相关短句/例句 Big Strategy大战略 1.Big Strategy Is...
and the gradual impact of the increments of non-state actors on national strategic capacity.These three trends not only considerably reshape the external strategic environment of various countries in the world,but also directly exert strong impact on the making of grand strategy.Along with the ...