The slang meaning "pawnbroker" is by 1756, "in humorous allusion to the financial favors expected and sometimes received from rich uncles" [Century Dictionary]. Dutch uncle(and his blunt, stern, benevolent advice) is attested from 1838;Welsh uncle(1747) was the male first cousin of one's ...
a combining form used in kinship terms with the meaning “one generation more remote” than the relation denoted by the base word:grandson. [< French, paralleling uses of Latin māgnus and Greek megalo-] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright...
” A long glass case is filled with a thousand or so bobbleheads and is jostled every couple of seconds to get them doing what they were intended to do. The dolls are grouped by city, meaning, for instance, that Buck O’Neil, in a Kansas City Monarchs uniform, stands among the ...
The internet hasn’t hit the mainstream yet: meaning purchasing power is wielded in cash and closed fists. Cars can be bought at dealerships, cheap newspaper advertisements, or magazine catalogues the player can acquire. If the radio gets boring and personalisation is up your alley, buy aSumo ...
2. pl. grand Slang A thousand dollars: sold the car for six grand. [Middle English, from Old French, from Latin grandis.] grand′ly adv. grand′ness n. Synonyms: grand, magnificent, imposing, stately, majestic, august These adjectives mean strikingly large in size, scope, or extent. Bot...