Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York BECOME A MASON Take a Tour Masons by choice.Brothers for Life. The Grand Lodge of the Free and Accepted Masons of New York State brings men of integrity together in brotherhood. Our common bond is the shared belief that ev...
His father was also a member of the New York State Grand Lodge of Masons. Son père était également un membre de la Grande Loge franc-maçonnique de l'État de New-York. ParaCrawl Corpus Grand Lodge of the State of New York Grande Loge de l'État d'Israël ParaCrawl Corp...
Joppa Lodge was organized during the early summer of 1850. It was constituted under the authority of St. JohnÆs Grand Lodge in the month of June and continued to work under the jurisdiction of that Grand Body until the great Union meeting of 27 Dec 1850, when itG Leeds...
FIND A LOCAL MASONIC LODGE Whether you are exploring Freemasonry for the first time, or you’re a long-time member looking for a specific lodge address, you’ve come to the right place. If you want to learn more about the process of joining Freemasonry and finding a lodge, visit ourHow ...
GRAND LODGE A.F. & A.M. OF WYOMING The first known Masonic meeting in Wyoming took place at Independence Rock on July 4th, 1862 Learn More Begin Your Journey Want to learn more about Freemasonry in Wyoming? Contact Us Learn More
M∴W∴ Larry Joseph Plaisance
Modern Freemasonry started in England in 1717 when four English Masonic lodges met and formed a “grand lodge” — a body that would govern all of the lodges and permit new lodges to be formed. However, Freemasonry obviously started before that. With this in mind, no one really knows when...
First Westchester-Putnam Masonic District of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York
Through the twentieth century, the museum collection continued to grow. It expanded beyond Massachusetts and Blue Lodge Freemasonry to include artifacts from around the world and from the York and Scottish Rites, the Shrine and other Masonic affiliated bodies.Among the distinguished Masons of Massachuse...
After 15 months, the lodges of District 9 are beginning to meet again. Some are in-person, others are doing hybrid meetings. Please check with the lodge if you have any questions. Events on the calendar are updated as they are announced. If something is missing or incorrect, please contact...