Grand Junction accepted a formidable challenge in hosting the fledgling national junior college baseball tournament in 1959. Nearly half a century later, the JUCO World Series and the city of Grand Junction are inextricably linked in one of the country's longest running baseball tournaments. Dedicated...
Junior College World Series (JUCO) Hosted for over 60 years in Grand Junction is the Junior College World Series. Next year, JUCO will be held on May 24 – May 31, 2025, at Suplizio Field. Junior colleges from all over the nation battle for a chance to play on this big stage, so ...
The Alpine Bank Junior College World Series has been happening in Grand Junction for a long time, attracting thousands of fans every May. While fans come to the annual tournament from all over the county, most of the fans are homegrown. Here's what some of the locals had to say about th...
In 2010, future National League Most Valuable Player Bryce Harper was playing in the National Junior College World Series in Grand Junction with the College of Southern Nevada. JUCO fans will always remember the time Harper drew a line in the sand disputing a called third strike and was ejected...
In 2010, future National League Most Valuable Player Bryce Harper was playing in the National Junior College World Series in Grand Junction with the College of Southern Nevada. JUCO fans will always remember the time Harper drew a line in the sand disputing a called third strike and was ejected...
Grand Junction Also found in:Acronyms,Wikipedia. (grănd) A city of western Colorado at the confluence of the Colorado and Gunnison Rivers. It developed as a shipping center with the arrival of the railroad in 1887. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyri...
Arthur soon saw that he was able to make quite a bit of money and began to favor continuing these activities over going to college. However, Arthur's scams soon caught the attention of local youths, who became jealous of him and threatened to hurt him if he didn't cut them in on the...
Towns: The largest town in western Cheyenne isSmith's Crossing, which is based on Grand Junction, Colorado and covers an area about the size of Charge and Colony Islands. It is located near the Utah border, and has a large Mormon influence as a result (the tallest building is the LDS ...