21:01 试驾2023 Nissan Frontier Pro-4X 4x4 - POV 15:34 新车速看:2024 Toyota Tacoma - POV 提前感受一下! 25:46 2023 奥迪 S6 试驾 - POV 夜间驾驶 14:06 大汉兰达试驾POV:2024 Toyota Grand Highlander,Hybrid MAX Platinum AWD,混动全时四驱版本。 29:08 ...
进入2024年,丰田Grand 汉兰达将搭载混动车型,并提供三排座椅布局。其中的XLE AWD版本可舒适容纳8名乘客,而Hybrid Max Platinum AWD版本则采用更为精致的7座设计。这款车不仅在空间布局上灵活多变,更注重驾乘体验的舒适与豪华。车辆设计上,2024款丰田Grand 汉兰达注重实用性与性能的平衡。其XLE版本配备了米其林Prim...
为了满足对空间有更高需求的中型SUV客户,丰田推出了Grand Highlander,这款车在尺寸上相较于汉兰达更为宽敞,甚至有些接近兰德酷路泽的尺寸。 2024款的Grand Highlander引入了混动技术,并提供了三排座椅的布局选择。其中,XLE AWD版本能容纳8人,而Hybrid Max Platinum AWD版本则采用7座设计。 这款车型不仅注重城市驾...
Toyota's three-row Highlander counts fuel efficiency and the brand's reputation for reliability as its chief advantages, but when compared to other midsize SUVs, it comes up short in one of the most critical metrics: interior space. To counter that drawback, there’s the Grand Highlander,...
丰田Grand Highlander 2024款Hybrid MAX Platinum频道为您提供丰田Grand Highlander 2024款Hybrid MAX Platinum配置信息,包括安全装备,操控配置,内置配置,性能参数,车型资料大全等,查丰田Grand Highlander 2024款Hybrid MAX Platinum参数配置,就上
Designed for precious cargo. Info Info Info Premium comfort with epic views. Take in the view from any seat. With convenient tech, smart storage where you’d least expect it, and plenty of room to comfortably fit the whole family, Grand Highlander is loaded with features that make it a ...
北京时间2月9日,丰田GrandHighlander官图发布,填补了家族SUV产品线的空白。该车在芝加哥车展上迎来首发亮相。 外观方面,新车采用家族式设计风格,整体上大气、协调,既有家用车的低调,又不乏运动感,双边共两出式排气起到了画龙点睛的作用。车内前排与汉兰达十分相似,由8英寸液晶仪表与12.3英寸中控屏组成,中控屏支持App...
XLE、Limited、Platinum三款车型 2.4T涡轮增压四缸发动机+前后双电机组成最大功率为367PS,峰值扭矩542Nm 0-100km/h 6.3秒家族式的前脸加大加宽 LED大灯+上置日行灯的组合轮毂提供18-20寸选择双边双出排气高位刹车灯 8寸全液晶仪表 12.3寸的信息娱乐屏幕 2+2+3座椅布局 JBL音响古铜色点缀的内饰 ...
With room for up to eight passengers and a choice of two hybrid powertrains, the Grand Highlander Hybrid is tailor-made for families.
True to Toyota’s commitment to leading-edge technology, the Grand Highlander comes equipped with Toyota’sTraffic Jam Assisttechnology (available in the Platinum grade). This innovative system, which operates the steering, gas, and brake pedals at 0-25 mph under certain conditions, helps...