Grand Coulee DamGrand Coulee Dam from The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.. Read Grand Coulee Dam from The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. now at Questia.The Columbia Encyclopediath ed
Define Grand Coulee Dam. Grand Coulee Dam synonyms, Grand Coulee Dam pronunciation, Grand Coulee Dam translation, English dictionary definition of Grand Coulee Dam. A reservoir of northeast Washington formed in the Columbia River by Grand Coulee Dam. Ame
The meaning of GRAND COULEE DAM is dam in the Columbia River, northeast central Washington, that was completed in 1942.
Grand Coulee Dam Motels & Area Information on Grand Coulee Dam, Vacations, Accommodations, Shopping, Tours, Activities, Events, Laser Light Show and More!
大古力水坝(theGrandCouleeDam) 从斯波坎去温哥华的途中,开九十英里就到达了美国最大的水坝the Grand Coulee Dam。这个水坝据说比埃及的金字塔还要高,建于一九三三年,是美国最大水坝,容量为6,809兆瓦,提供671,000英亩(2700平方公里)的灌溉用水。 该水库的湖被称为富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福湖,因建造水坝是在美国...
Grand Coulee Dam: Directed by Stephen Ives. With Colleen F. Cawston, Blaine Harden, Steven Hawley, Mary Henning. When Grand Coulee Dam was being built during the depths of the Great Depression, everything about it--generators, powerhouses, pumps--was the
On March 22, 1941, the Grand Coulee Dam first began producing power. The dam was a project that was years in the making and was completed in time to play its own part in the war effort.
Grand Coulee Dam (Wash.), 1960Kyle () Laughlin