Granblue Fantasy: Relink is a superb action RPG that packs an excellent story, plenty of characters, and an incredibly moreish endgame for a substantial amount of content at launch. FULL REVIEW PlayStation 5 75 IGN Italia Jan 31, 2024 Granblue Fantasy: Relink is a much less ambitious ...
Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising - Official Vikala Gameplay Trailer 1:34 Autoplay setting:On Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising Review EDITORS' CHOICE Review scoring Autoplay setting:On Summary In the fighting game Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising, power, skill, and spirit collide in a quest to find th...
When I first got my hands onGranblue Fantasy RelinkinDecember 2023, I already knew it was going to be one of my favorite titles of 2024. Having now experienced the game in full, some of that passion cooled, but that doesn’t mean thatRelinkisn’t worth playing. While some may certainly...
SarwarRon|401d ago |Review|0| ▼ NoobFeed Editor Azfar Rayan writes - Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising has many good features but is far from flawless. Nevertheless, it's a huge improvement over where the fighting game is and has been a fantastic experience. The characters are well-designed...