Gran Turismo Sportis here, and… it isn’t theGran Turismothat millions worldwide have come to know and love, that is for sure. The game has pared back the almost famous excess and bloat that the series was famous for, and instead we are left with a trimmed down racer with an almost...
名称: Tequila Sunrise Gran Turismo 类型: 休闲, 独立 开发商: VN House 发行商: Little Black Book Entertainment 系列: VN House 语言: 英语列出的语言可能并非对所有礼包中的游戏可用。查看单个游戏以详细了解。 单人 DLC 家庭共享 列出的功能可能并不支持礼包中的所有游戏。查看单个游戏以了解详情。更多...
名称:Santa Monica Paradise Gran Turismo 类型:休闲,独立 开发商:VN House 发行商:Little Black Book Entertainment 系列:VN House 语言:英语 列出的语言可能并非对所有礼包中的游戏可用。查看单个游戏以详细了解。 单人 DLC Steam 成就 家庭共享 列出的功能可能并不支持礼包中的所有游戏。查看单个游戏以了解详情。
Gran Turismo 7 Update 1.09 Improvements and Adjustments 1. Daytona International Speedway Fixed an issue where swerving suddenly into the pits on the Tri-Oval and Road Course caused the pitstop sequence to be skipped, and the car going straight to the exit. 2. Sport & Lobby Fixed a very rar...
名称: Aisling and the Tavern of Elves Gran Turismo 类型: 休闲, 独立 开发商: VN House 发行商: Little Black Book Entertainment 系列: VN House 语言: 英语列出的语言可能并非对所有礼包中的游戏可用。查看单个游戏以详细了解。 单人 DLC Steam 成就 Steam 集换式卡牌 家庭共享 列出的功能可能并不支持礼包...
本吧热帖: 1-庆贺GT4黑暗四天王及黑色Formula Gran Turismo入手 2-R8的爹,Audi LeMans Quattro个人截图 3-这吧没人了么,时间真可怕~ 4-4年没玩gt4了 前天心血来潮去买了ps2回来玩 什么水平? 5-为什么我的车不能启动,或者起步慢慢得不得了,等十几秒才会从0 6-现在还有资源
本项目也许能解决你的烦恼:这是一个实现Steam远程激活功能的开源项目,将其部署至俄罗斯的服务器上,再通过浏览器访问相应网页便可远程激活俄区Key。同理,将其部署至国内服务器,访问相应的网页便可在国外激活锁国区的Key。 功能 一张图就能告诉你: 使用 我已在俄罗斯服务器上部署了本项目,您可以在浏览器中访问:...
Gran Turismo Sport allowed you to buy individual cars, which rarely reached into the amounts being charged for 750,000 Credits and 2,000,000 Credits. In Gran Turismo Sport most cars were available for less than $7, but some of the Gran Turismo 7 legendary cars cost more than 1,000,000...
Nearly every proper Gran Turismo release (other than Gran Turismo Sport perhaps), has been a love letter to the motor vehicle whether they be classic, modern, exotic, woefully underpowered or ridiculously superpowered. It?s not just the love of the cars themselves, but also the experience of ...
With the game now out of the garage and on the track, the next phase (alongside polishing the main game itself, of course) is gradually releasing DLC packs, the first of which – the Dream Pack – is already available. "Currently we are working on the Bonus Pack, and that will be av...