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Two trophies also await those who engage in the Senna Tribute DLC, rewarding those who complete all of the events in the add-on as well as those who earn gold on all of them. The new patch, 1.08, is now available for download for Gran Turismo 6 on the PS3 via the...
Assetto Corsa Replaces Gran Turismo At FIA Motorsports Games eSports Competition Published: Monday, July 04, 2022Tagged: eSports, Gaming, ID@Xbox, Industry Tweet 505 Games and developer Kunos Simulazioni announced that Assetto Corsa Competizione, the flagship racing simulation and o...
The Ultimate Version of Gran Turismo 7? (Update 1.54) 12:04 Honest Analysis - Is Gran Turismo 7 PSVR2 no longer BLURRY on PS5 Pro. 16:03 What The Limit ACTUALLY means in Racing (and how to master it) 12:00 A First Look At The NEW Le Mans Ultimate GT3's 16:40 iRacing 每...
At the UK’s Goodwood Festival of Speed, Nissan today took the wraps offa full-scale model of its new virtual supercar. The Nissan Concept 2020 Vision GT was created forGran Turismo 6’s “Vision Gran Turismo festival,” which invites car makers to present their vision of the near automot...
BMW 5 Series Gran Turismo 5 Door Hatchback 2009 的可用零件 Aerography American flag 用于定制外观和性能的高质量 Aerography。 Aerography {custom} 用于定制外观和性能的高质量 Aerography。 Aerography {custom} 10 用于定制外观和性能的高质量 Aerography。