“The interior of the four-door coupe unifies the seemingly contradictory character of a dynamic two-door coupe with the elegance and utility of a BMW Sedan or a BMW Gran Turismo.” Tim Shih, interior designer responsible for the new BMW 4 Series Gran Coupe. The interior of the BMW 4 Se...
许天_GranTurismo 24-05-15 21:19 发布于 江苏 来自 微博网页版 已编辑 #乐道l60百公里电耗低至12.1##乐道L60超长续航# 蔚来旗下子品牌乐道的首款车:乐道L60终于发布了,给大家简单分析一下吧。●算上预定权益2000抵6000,预售价21.59万。不算高,但也没有很惊喜,不要说baas价格低,蔚来有baas销量也就那样...