The Logitech Driving Force GT wheel is engineered for use with Gran Turismo 5 Prologue on PS3, which will be available on Blu-ray Disc (BD) and as a download on the PLAYSTATION Network in North America on April 17 and in Europe on March 28. The Logitech Driving Force GT wheel is als...
隆重宣布2025年Gran Turismo全球系列賽:全球舉辦的四場現場賽事,首戰將在6月於倫敦正式開跑 跑車浪漫旅® 7 2024/12/04 從7歲到77歲,老少咸宜的《My First Gran Turismo》將於12月6日開放免費下載! 《跑車浪漫旅 7》2月更新內容搶先看:新增3種新車款,以及3個賽事活動!
The installation for my Gran Turismo 5 has been stuck on 20 mins left for hours and ive read that the time indicator is inaccurate for most people but it seems to install a whole lot faster for them than it is for me. Does anyone know if there is a possible work around this ...
DescriptionReport Item DESCRIPTION Original gameGran Turismo 5 ProalogueFor PlayStation 3. SPECIFICATIONS Console:Playstation 3 Gender: Launch Year: Producer: COMMENTS Used Product. Original game in perfect state of operation. ITEMS INCLUDED IN PACKAGING 01 Original Game Media Box Case...
需要Gran Tur..有人有已经更新到最新版本的文件吗?或者有什么办法不透过网络直接更新到最新版本的,破解之后无论是正版光碟还是iso文件都会更新失败
阿尔法罗密欧Guila GTA发布( Gran Turismo Alleggerita) 阿尔法史上最大马力车型;外观更凶,更激进的套件;车体加宽5厘米;避震升级; 2.9T V6 马力提升至540匹; 1520KG,比四叶草减重100KG,百公里加速3...
PS Store Offers Gran Turismo HD Concept Free for PS3 Ownerszyk
日文名称:グランツーリスモ5 プロローグ 游戏编号:BCAS20027 游戏类型:竞速类 制作厂商:Polyphony Digital 发行厂商:SCE 对应主机:PS3 语言版本:中文版 发售日期:2007年12月13日 《GT赛车5:序章版》(Gran Turismo 5 Prologue)是由Polyphony Digital制作,SCE(索尼电脑娱乐)发行的著名游戏品牌《GT赛车》的第五代...
【PS3游戏回顾】GT赛车6代 通关视频 Gran Turismo 6共计3条视频,包括:Playthrough [PS3] Gran Turismo 6 - Part 1 of 3、Playthrough [PS3] Gran Turismo 6 - Part 2 of 3、Playthrough [PS3] Gran Turismo 6 - Part 3 of 3等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。