Gran Turismo 5 亚版 + DLC + 全部升级补丁 + 存档修改器/s/1e4ItcsMuGpyj_Ry3FHAayglob9 13楼2022-03-07 23:56 收起回复 65149923 中级粉丝 2 新版模拟器玩GT赛车5只能选前2个赛道,选第3赛道就卡住不动,前2赛道能进去跑且还算流畅,贴吧推荐模拟器赛道没问题,但进去跑一会就会卡住不动,试过改签问...
Here is my log from GT5 prologue, after the sound cuts off RPCS3.log.gz elad335 mentioned this issue May 24, 2023 Gran Turismo Improvements #13917 Merged RPCS3 deleted a comment from Charlesna2guerra May 27, 2023 Nekotekina closed this as completed in #13917 Jun 2, 2023 hoholee12...
gran turis..固件4.88,模拟器版本如图,设置等下发。在中古车商购买车都会卡死(未知停止代码 0x0 (op=0x4000, Out_MBox=empty)虽然不买中古车也可以正常游玩,但是二手车也是GT生涯的特
There's also a new FPS unlock patch for Gran Turismo 5. Users can pick and chose which patches they'd like to enable e.g disable motion blur but keep bloom and Depth of Field enabled. All patches shown can be found by opening RPCS3's Patch Manager. Simply open RPCS3, click "Manage...
If you have ideas for how to improve this please post them to the Wiki for optimal GT5 settings or in that Wiki's discussion. So far I've found that enable time stretching turned on, and lowering the audio buffering improved the ...
Gran Turis..GT5 用 1280x1080+分辨率缩放这样的设定画面几乎完美了,除了CPU之外要更高的分辨率就看自己显卡可分辨率缩放到多少不会卡了。还有显卡如果够力可开小黄鸦 Lossless Scaling 这
RPCS3 0.0.5 4k IR - Gran Turismo HD Concept Gameplay 是在优酷播出的游戏高清视频,于2018-06-04 10:37:35上线。视频内容简介:RPCS3 0.0.5 4k IR - Gran Turismo HD Concept Gameplay
在线看RPCS3 v0.0.7-9159: Trying Gran Turismo HD Concept 5分钟。2019 11月 20的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 41 — 已浏览。 2 — 已评价。
我刚装好了RPCS的0.07模拟器,然后4.82固件已近更新了~但是玩不了GT赛车6,请懂玩用模拟器的高手带带路,感谢大神,能给我一下完整的Gran Turismo 6的网盘资源吗?? Gelbonling 10-25 2 求过卡丁车模式 叶子06682 我玩了好久了,反正就是所有卡丁车赛事都过不了,有没有什么诀窍 贝纳利bj300 10-5 1...
我刚装好了RPCS的0.07模拟器,然后4.82固件已近更新了~但是玩不了GT赛车6,请懂玩用模拟器的高手带带路,感谢大神,能给我一下完整的Gran Turismo 6的网盘资源吗?? Gelbonling 10-25 2 求过卡丁车模式 叶子06682 我玩了好久了,反正就是所有卡丁车赛事都过不了,有没有什么诀窍 贝纳利bj300 10-5 1...