Report of the Outbreak Control Team 1 IntroductionOn Friday 22 August 2008 the Medical Microbiology Department at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary (ARI) reported a new case of E. coli O157 infection to the NHS Grampian Health Protection Team. E. coli O157 had been isolated from a ... DC Hughes,N ...
> EMPLOYEE CONDUCT POLICY - NHS Grampian - …:员工行为的政策- NHS苏格兰—… 下载文档 收藏 打印 转格式 70阅读文档大小:293.84K55页wutuhuao上传于2015-03-05格式:PDF Employee Policy and Procedure Manual - Home of New Vision员工政策和程序手册-新视觉的家 ...
Named Person (page 5) Local Authority must provide Named Person Service for all children from Day 1 at Primary School to Age 18 – head teacher in primary schools or member of senior management team in academies Health Boards must provide Named Person Service for each pre-school child in thei...