Noun1.grammatical construction- a group of words that form a constituent of a sentence and are considered as a single unit; "I concluded from his awkward constructions that he was a foreigner" construction,expression adjunct- a construction that can be used to extend the meaning of a word or...
For example, to use commas accurately, you must understand dependent clauses, independent clauses, conjunctions, interjections, the vocative case, cumulative adjectives, parenthesis, and apposition. If you don't understand those terms, you are flying by the seat of your pants regarding commas. ...
Please direct questions about technical support or the website to customer support. Drop photo or image here to upload or select file Get Answer By submitting, I am agreeing to the Terms of Use and Honor Code. Already a member? Log in here ...
Semicolons should only be used to connect independent clauses. If each clause is a complete sentence, you can divide them with a semicolon instead of with a coordinating conjunction and a comma. Here are some examples of how to correctly use semicolons: "I've never eaten chocolate;I'm ...
Learning new skills is always a good use of your time. My cat can’t see well after getting her eye drops. Catalina dresses really well and always looks really good on the red carpet. The reason you aren’t feeling well is because you don’t have a good diet....
English explanations in scientific papers, the use of omissions for writing and editing English explanations are summarized as follows: 1) omitting the subjects, the verb “be” or form words; 2) substituting punctuation marks (comma, colon and dash) and the sign of equality for the predicate....
Other rhetorical features of the Holy Quran, such as antiphrasis, asyndeton, cadence, chiasmus, epizeuxis, equivoque, isocolon, palindrome, polyptoton, and synecdoche are still open for further investigation by future researchers.Al-Jarf, Reima...
Acomma spliceis when two independent clauses—parts of a sentence capable of standing on their own—are connected with a comma to create one single sentence. Comma splices can typically be fixed by changing the comma to a semicolon, separating the clauses into two distinct sentences, or addin...
AProductionconsists of a left-hand-sideNonterminalfollowed by a colon (:) separator and one or moreright-hand-sidesentences consisting of various forms ofterminalandnonterminalsymbols. For example: NameSpaceImport : `*` `as` ImportedBinding ...