1、首先下载Grammarly的MS插件。https://www.grammarly.com/office-addin 点击页面中Grammarly for Microsoft Word and Outlook下方的Get the add-in Its free按钮即可下载插件的安装文件。步骤/方式2 2、运行Grammarly的MS插件。右键下载的Grammarly插件,点击以管理员身份运行。步骤/方式3 3、安装Grammarly...
Grammarly for Microsoft Office helps you write more efficiently using AI communication assistance in MS Office, Microsoft Word, MS Outlook, MS Teams, and Microsoft PowerPoint.
首先是安装包的下载 下载地址:https://www.grammarly.com/ 进入网站首页之后直接下拉到尾部,选择Grammarly for MS Office的选项并点击。 然后继续点击绿色按钮免费下载 最后得到一个安装包。 安装: 打开安装包 按顺序安装完会提示安装成功。 使用: 进入word中,点击上方最右边的grammarly 按要求点击进网页注册一下,用...
Grammarly's free writing app makes sure everything you type is easy to read, effective, and mistake-free. Adding Grammarly to Microsoft Office means that your spelling and grammar will be further vetted on both Microsoft Word and Outlook for any macOS users.You'll be impressed by just how ...
Grammarly's free writing app makes sure everything you type is easy to read, effective, and mistake-free. Adding Grammarly to Microsoft Office means that your spelling and grammar will be further vetted on both Microsoft Word and Outlook for any windows users. You'll be impressed by just ...
1、下载 https://www.grammarly.com/office-addin 2、先关闭office软件,管理员运行 3、最重要一步 4、然后继续,正常安装即可 5、再打开word,就已经集成了,登录上然后开启即可(我的已经登录了所以显示登出) 6、语法有问题的段落就会标出,直接点击即可自动替换修改。 7、perfect ... 查看原文 Grammarly错误 :/...
My biggest piece of advice that I have carried with me throughout my time at college and university is to download the@Grammarlyplug-in for Microsoft Word. An absolute gamechanger! Alfa M. @alfamshakya Just discovered@Grammarly's free citation generator and I am loving it. Phew what a rel...
Grammarly for Office Word and Outlook Enter Grammarly, an advanced spelling and grammar checking tool for Microsoft Office Word and Outlook programs. More importantly, it’s free. Grammarly is compatible with Office 2007,Office 2010, Office 2013,Office 2016, Office 2019, andOffice 365. ...
Grammarly's free writing app makes sure everything you type is easy to read, effective, and mistake-free. Adding Grammarly to MS Office means that your spelling and grammar will be further vetted on both Microsoft Word and Outlook for any macOS users. You'll be impressed by just how many...
Grammarly for Microsoft Office Editor's review Grammarly's free writing app makes sure everything you type is easy to read, effective, and mistake-free. Adding Grammarly to MS Office means that your spelling and grammar will be further vetted on both Microsoft Word and ...