In the simple past tense, we make questions and negatives with did. Did you see him yesterday? I didn’t pass the test. She didn’t come. Who took the money? Why did you shout at him? My parents got married in 1978. I spent the whole day in bed. Worksheet Fill in the blanks ...
Understanding tenses is essential for kids to express their thoughts clearly and accurately. Let’s break it down into three basics: the Simple Present, Simple Past, and an introduction to the Future Tense. Simple Present Tense The Simple Present Tense is all about what happens every day. It’...
Grammar Worksheet:past-perfect-past-simple-worksheet.docx(scroll down to study the exercises online) Jump to: Past Simple (below),Past Perfect Simple,Past Progressive,Exercises Verb Tense Review: The Past Simple We use thepast simpleverb tense to talk about events that happened at aspecific time...
Present perfect tense vs simple past 1- Find someone who Present perfect tense vs simple past 2- Board Game Present perfect communicative activity using - EVER & NEVER Phrasal Verbs- Verbs with a preposition usually with an idiomatic meaning. Some are however easy to figure out like -sit down...
Passives Tense ChartSubject Exercises: 1. Passive Voice Exercises 1 2. Simple Past vs Past Passive - 3-4. Passive Voice with Modals / 2 - 5. Passive Voice Tenses Worksheet - 6-7 Passives Advanced Worksheet / 2 8-9. Active to Passive Voice / 2 10. Forming Passive Voice Worksheet...
We do not wait FOR the train to arrive on time. This sentence sounds a bit strange in the present simple tense, though. Are you sure that you don’t want to use the past tense? (We did not wait for the train to arrive.)
Goodmorning,everyone!Beforewestarttoday’sclass,let’sreviewwhatwehavelearnedinthepreviousunit.Canyoutellmewhattensewelearnedlasttime?Yes,welearnedthesimplepasttense.Now,canyougivemesomeexamplesofsentencesusingthesimplepasttense?(Studentsgiveexamples.) ...
Exercise Sheet: This worksheet provides an overview of the past perfect simple and past perfect continuous. It includes the structures, rules and example sentences. In addition, there are two practice worksheets (intermediate & advanced). Watch the video for more information on the past perfect. ...
All the worksheets are created in PDF format and can be downloaded very easily and viewed on any device that you connect. Downloads are free as long as you do not remove the link to at the bottom of each worksheet. ...
embedded audio recording. These tools are helping thousands of teacher all over. They make teaching of beginners, young learners to pre-intermediate levels quite easy.There are ipod compatible versions as well. You will also find worksheet ebooks, audio books, and self-grading quizzes to ...