“The schools where our boys went were good, especially the grammar school. “我们的儿子就读的学校很好,特别以初级中学为然。 jw2019 A notable institution is Aylesbury Grammar School which was founded in 1598. 艾爾斯伯里文法學校(Aylesbury Grammar School)相當著名,該校創辦在1598年。 LASER-wiki...
中文斯中学就读 英语 翻译Aylesbury Grammar School AGS缩写是斯中学就读的意思,AGS全写Aylesbury Grammar School。 AGS缩写可能还有其它意思,请根据自身行业、属性核对选择AGS正确的英文缩写及全写。 参考资料: 1.百度翻译:斯中学就读 2.有道翻译:斯中学就读...
牛津大学和剑桥大学公布的数据显示,在 2022年9月入学的UCAS申请周期中,他们向来自不同学校的学生发放了多少录取通知书。我们将这些数据合并在本表中,可以显示公立文法中学(Grammar School)、预科学院和私立学校的竞争情况。多年来,牛剑这两所大学都提高了公立学校的录取比例:从 2000 年的 52% 上升到 69%。在 80 ...
During the discussion, she said her decision to use “gender” for “sex” in Supreme Court briefs was the result of advice from her secretary at Columbia, where she taught from 1972 to 1980. “I owe it all to my secretary at Columbia Law School, who said, ‘I’m typing all these ...