Gravesend Grammar School is a selective secondary academy based in Gravesend, Kent, for boys aged 11-18 with girls admitted to the Sixth Form. It is a non-denominational school. Headteacher Malcolm Moaby Values and vision Uniquely, Gravesend Grammar School has reduced the number of teachers at ...
The Rolling Stones frontman visited Dartford Grammar School for Boys in Kent to open an extension to the Mick Jagger Centre - 10 years after he first launched it. Mick Jagger returns to school to inaugurate new rooms The former Dartford Grammar School boy, who opened his international account ...
for the pro-grammar lobby since the Labour government of the 1960s launched its still controversial drive to turn the country's 1,300 grammars into comprehensives.Campaigners hailed Kent's decision as a 'small but important step' towards the creation of a grammar school in every area where ...
Posting consistently exceptional GCSE and A-level results year-on-year, the Tiffin Girls’ School – sister school of the boys’ school of the same name – is counted among the best state schools in England. As a result, it has been rated ‘outstanding’ by Ofsted. The school’s motto i...
How to prepare for the Weald of Kent Grammar School 11 Plus Exam Essentially you have 5 options when it comes to helping your child to prepare. 1/ Some parents use aPrivate Tutor. If you want to start your search for a suitable one, we provide links to somePrivate tutors in Kentto he...
County Kent Address Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School, Abbey Place, Faversham ME13 7BQ Type Boys Grammar Pupils 984 Places in Year 7 140 Open Days June/October Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School 11+ Resources Maths resources English resources Verbal Reasoning resources Non Verbal Reasoning re...
DartfordGrammarSchoolisaselectiveindependentsecondaryschoolforboys,whichadmitsgirlstoitssixthform. TherearefiveformsofentrytoYear7,andallofthestudentsjoiningtheschoolarefromthetop25%oftheability range.ThestudentscomefromDartford,neighbouringtownsandvillages,andnearbyLondonboroughs.The ...
Gravesend Grammar School is a selective grammar school with academy status located in Gravesend, Kent, England. The school accepts boys at age 11 through the 11+ exam accepting a cohort of the top 15-..
Chislehurst and Sidcup Grammar School is a mixed-sex grammar school with academy status located in Hurst Road, Sidcup in the London Borough of Bexley. Address: Hurst Rd, Sidcup DA15 9AG
英国学校课堂评价的启示——基于Weald of Kent Grammar School的课堂观察研究 维普资讯