test on the past perfect tense Tenses Simple past tense Past progressive tense Past perfect tense Past perfect progressive tense Simple present tense Present progressive tense Present perfect progressive tense Simple future tense Future progressive tense Future perfect tense Future perfect progressive tense ...
Usage1132现在完成时Usage用法过去持续到现在过去对现在的影响次数13Presentperfecttense14Thefirstpartofthemindmapcanhelpyoufindtherealitystonebutyouhavetofinishitstest!1.She lookssoexcited.Maybeshe___theresultoftheexam. A.knew B.hasknownC.mustknowD.willknow2.We___XiaoLisinceshewasalittlegirl.A.knowB...
home▸sitemap▸games & tests ▸the present perfect progressive tense (grammar test) This test is linked to the entry on the present perfect progressive tense in Grammar Monster's glossary. confirmatory test 0 0 1 not attemptedTrue or false? The present perfect progressive tense is used to...
Past Perfect Continuous Quiz Past Simple Quiz Present Continuous Quiz Present Perfect Quiz Present Perfect Continuous Quiz Present Simple Quiz Nouns Quizzes What is a Noun? Quiz Compound Nouns Quiz Noun Countability Quiz Proper Nouns Quiz Adjectives Quizzes ...
3. Put the verb into the most suitable form, past continuous(I was doing), past perfect(I had done) or past perfect continuous(I have been doing).(9 * 2’= 18’) 4. Put the verb into the more suitable form, present continuous or present simple.(17 * 1.5’= 25.5’) 5. Put th...
Present Perfect Progressive – spelling testB1 Present Perfect Progressive – affirmative (1)B1 Present Perfect Progressive – affirmative (2)B1 Present Perfect Progressive – negative (1)B1 Present Perfect Progressive – negative (2)B1 Present Perfect Progressive – questions (1)B1 ...
Read on to learn the difference between the present and the perfect in Spanish grammar, then put your knowledge to the test in the free online exercises. Contents Presente vs. Pretérito perfecto Status of the action Time markers Signal words for presente and pretérito perfecto Exercises – Pre...
Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous for OET Speaking It is worth mentioning here that while grammatical accuracy is mostly a concern for the writing sub-test, it is also of importance for all other sections. When it comes to the OET speaking sub-test, there is one additional thing...
Negative forms of Present Perfect Passive To make a negative form of Present Perfect Passive, insert ‘not‘ between ‘have/has’ and ‘been’ (you can also use ‘hasn’t’ or ‘haven’t). This long testhas n’t been translatedyet. ...
In order to form a typical sentence in the present perfect simple, choose a subject ((the person or thing that has done the action), add an auxiliary (or helping) verb: has or have + the V3 (past participle) form of the verb and then add the rest of the sentence. ...