We use the second conditional to say what we might possibly do in an unlikely situation. We have seen in Pre-Intermediate level how thezero conditionaland thefirst conditionalare used to talk about possibility and result. The second conditional is another structure used to talk about present or ...
文档分类:外语学习|页数:约549页 文档列表文档介绍 Essential English Grammar In Use - Intermediate 2Nd Ed (Cambridge) 来自淘豆网www.taodocs.com转载请标明出处. 文档信息 页数:549 收藏数:0 顶次数:0 上传人:kuo08091 文件大小:0 KB 时间:2013-12-11...
Communicative Phrases - Learn Commonly used Expressions in Everyday English Idiomatic Expressions from A - Z Intermediate Level ESL Grammar and Vocabulary Quizzes Advanced Level ESL Grammar and Vocabulary Quizzes Math Exercises -Click Here Math for Pre-K, Kindergarten,1st Grade, 2nd, 3rd , 4th,...
we have created over 50 state-of-the-art powerpoint presentations and Video Slides with embedded audio recording. These tools are helping thousands of teacher all over. They make teaching of beginners, young learners to pre-intermediate levels quite easy.There are ipod compatible versions as well....
Pre-intermediate ESL quizzes: Find quizzes that cover most grammar and vocabulary points of this level. Do exercises with Tag questions, future tenses, simple past tenses, Intermediate ESL quizzes : grammar & vocabulary quizzes, gerunds & infinitives, perfect tenses, past continuous, computer ...