Grammar—Have/GetSomethingDone 用法1.表示“安排某人做某事,是某事被处理”。如:Lastyear,wehadthehouserebuilt.去年,我们的房子翻新过了。(翻新房子不是我们自己,而是建筑工人。)2.表示“遭遇到某事”,通常是令人不愉快的事情。如:She’shadherwallettaken.她的钱包被偷了。Grammar—Have/GetSomethingDone 3....
We have a special way of talking about times when we get someone else (usually a professional) to do something for us. We say ‘to have something done’. “I had my hair cut last week.” My hair was cut by another person, probably a hairdresser. Let’s look at another example to ...
Grammar—Have/GetSomethingDone3.表示“处于某种状态”。这时候,也可以把havesthdone中的done改为形容词或介词短语,做宾语补足语。如:Brownhashardlyanymoneysavedforhisoldage. 布朗几乎没有为他的后半生存什么钱。 (布朗过着没有存款的生活。)Ihadmyeyeshalf-closed. 我半闭着眼睛。(形容词half-closed作宾语...
46A-have something done 1707 2021-08 3 45B-it is said that , he is said to , he is supposed to 1837 2021-08 4 45A-it is said that , he is said to , he is supposed to 1651 2021-08 5 44D-Passive 3 1476 2021-08 6
3 知能小卷(2) Unit 5 Education-【赢在微点】轻松课堂2023-2024学年新教材高中英语选择性必修第二册(北师大版)1496¥3 4 知能小卷(3) Units 4~5-【赢在微点】轻松课堂2023-2024学年新教材高中英语选择性必修第二册(北师大版)1303¥3 5
课时作业(六) Section Ⅲ GRAMMAR——have/get something done结构 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.I need a new passport so I will have to have my photographs taken(take). 2.I was watching the clock all through the meeting,as I had a train to_catch (catch). 3.The building had been out of condition...
have something done Complete the sentences and make clear that the people don't / didn't do it themselves. (The first sentence is given as an example.) Yesterday,(I / cut / my hair). Every Friday,(Joe / wash / his car). Tomorrow,(she / repair / her shower)....
Passive voice with get/have/ something done 1.Get/ have something done . This construction is passive in meaning . it may describe situations where we want someone else to do something for us : I must get/have my hair cut . When are you going to get that window mended?
Unit 43 被动语态 Passive (2) be done/ been done/ being done 14:57 Unit 44 被动语态 Passive (3) 13:43 Unit 45 it is said that... he is said to... he is supposed to... 13:59 Unit 46 have something done 08:39 Unit 47 间接引语 (1) he said that... ...
something/ thingto do... 2) have... time/way/ chance / courage/ opportunity/ reason/ plan/ wishto do... 意义:“有...” 例如: 1) He is always the first person ___(come) and the last one ___(leave). 2) We should have the courage ___(...