Welcome to our English grammar exercises section. The exercises come in three levels: beginner (A1-A2), intermediate (B1-B2), and advanced (C1-C2). The topics covered include verb tenses, phrasal verbs, articles, prepositions, noun clauses, and much more....
Grammar Exercises The British Council's Grammar Exercises是英国文化协会的英语学习官网,有丰富的语法和词汇知识。 该网站标题栏分类明显,例如online course, skill, grammar, vocabulary, business English, general English等,点击对应词条即可看到相应的内容。 此外有A1-A2、B1-B2、C1分级,...
This webpage is a selection of grammar videos and free downloadable PDF exercises. It is mainly focused on general English grammar but is still important in building good grammar awareness and correct use.Reading Skills Worksheets / Lessons Click on any link to be taken to the downloadGrammar...
针对剑桥系的考试,从KET、PET到FCE、CAE,不同等级都有对应的阅读理解、词汇、写作等专项练习,语法的专项比较少,今天给大家分享一套专门针对语法的选择题集《English Grammar Exercises with Answers》。 这是我见过最棒的原版语法练习题了!整...
Task cards with content to revise. In my case, a combination of sentences to translate and rewriting exercises. Ideally, the cards will be digital so that you can easily show the exercise to the whole class. (I have used one of the digital flip cards templates onGenial.lyand made it reu...
PRACTICE READING COMPREHENSION PRACTICE PRONUNCIATION MORE OPTIONS GO PREMIUM! All of the exercises on this site were developed by us based on our own personal approach to teaching ESL. Whether your level isbeginner(A1-A2),intermediate(B1-B2), oradvanced(C1-C2), you'll find what you need to...
2.Finishtheexercisesonpage12. 【提示:此处课堂上教师可让学生使用优教同步学习卡进行抢答,根据结 果反馈,进行精准教学。】 3.Gametime T:Youaresogreat.Now,let’splayagametoseewhichgroupwillbethewinner. Herearetherules:Youaredividedinto4groups.Trytomakesentenceswithand,but, orandso.IfthefirststudentinGrou...
《牛津语法Oxford Grammar for school教材1-5》学生用书+教师用书+音频 剑桥考试语法练习题库English Grammar Exercises with Answers 国家地理写作语法宝典 Grammar for Great Writing 牛津基础语法教材Oxford Grammar One Two Three 英语语法与写作指南Pearson Scott Foresman Grammar &…意大利牛津语法 ...
F My grandfather died two years ago.My grandfather has been dead for two years.4.They have been in Britain since 199& THomework:1. Go over Grammar A & B2. Finish the exercises in the workbook 3. Prepare Integrated skills.Goodbye
And remember to use because, since or as when you give reasons.After-learningRevise the short passages about your favourite musician. The more sentences with because ,since or as, the better.Finish the related exercises.HomeworkThank you!