When a sentence is incorrect, re-write it using the correct article. 2nd and 3rd Grades A and An - Space Theme Choose the correct word (a or an) to complete each sentence. This worksheet has a space theme. 2nd and 3rd Grades Choose the Article Circle the best article for each ...
Individualized Instruction:77 targeted grammar, usage, and mechanics worksheets, corresponding to each skill tested in the diagnostic assessments. Each worksheet includes definitions, examples, writing hints, guided practice, and a brief formative assessment to help students learn the skills they did not ...
新译林版英语必修一B1U3-限制性定语从句Grammar-and-usage-worksheet B1U3 Grammar and usage Restrictive relative clauses with relative pronouns Period 1Worksheet ArticleIRead and compare A real friend is someone who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. A real friend is someone whose ...
Worksheet: Contractions You can practice your understanding of contractions with the following questions. Fill in the correct answer: Practice questions Answers and explanations (You’re/Your) ___ cooking is amazing! I (hadn’t/had’n’t) ___ seen them for a long time, and one day we r...
This was the beginning of a very staged process to give them a really clear written record. In a physical classroom or with older students, I would probably give them a worksheet to go through and fill in the gaps working at their own speed alone or in pairs, but this was the only wa...
English grammar can be difficult and confusing at times, even for native speakers. Learn more about classifying sentences to improve your speaking and writing skills.
Prepositions Worksheet FEATURED ARTICLES Garlic and Onion are good for you! Hampi, Karnataka Aarey Forest Facts Invention of the Sewing Machine Australia is drowning in Plastic Ba Inside a Cricket Ball Winter Foods To Keep You Warm A new word is added to the dictiona ...
Coyote Bait Worksheet The fate of the cat’s life is still unknown. At this point, the author points out that “[t]he kitchen light came on, 899 Words 4 Pages Decent Essays Read More 1. Explain How Your Plans Build On Each Other To Support Children's Language c.Explain how your plan...
Theme Unit Free Resources Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Sixth Grade Summary An English grammar lesson on articles. Objectives • Students will be able to state the definition of an article. • Students will be able to name the articles a, an, and the. ...
By Kenneth Beare Ask students to talk about their daily routines. Have them make a list of five things that they have to do every day. Introduce the grammar by having the students take a look at the grammar sheet below. Discuss the differences between 'have to' and 'must' in the posit...