Holmberg K. Isolation and identification of Gram-positive rods in human dental plaque. Arch Oral Biol. 1976; 21 (3):153–160. [ PubMed ]Holmberg, K.: Isolation and Identification of Gram-Positive Rods in Human Dental Plaque, Arch. Oral Biol. 21: 153-160, 1976....
Four organisms were Gram-positive rods, and two were Gramnegative rods. Isolation and identification of heavy metal-tolerant bacteria from an industrial site as a possible source for bioremediation of cadmium, lead, and nickel Modified ZN stain revealed typical picture of Nocardia as gram-positive ...
Identification of bacterial flora in the water of swimming pools throughout the year Bacteria that were isolated at high frequency throughout the year were gram-positive rods, Bacillus species, and gram-positive cocci, Staphylococcus species... N Kiyohara,Y Kobayakawa,H Lyman,... - 《Research of...
The Use of MALDI TOF Technologies for the Identification of Gram Positive RodsRobin Patel
Gram-positive bacteria. In silico analysis of 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing based methods for identification of medically important Gram-positive rods PG_Thesis b4072180 Master of Medical Sciences master's Medical Sciences published_or_final_version 10.5353/th_b4072180 2008 http://hub.hku.hk/...
gram‐negative rodHelicobacter fennelliaespirochetes BorreliaVibrio speciesThis chapter mainly focuses on algorithms used for identification of curved and spiral-Shaped Gram-negative rods. Curved and spiral-shaped bacteria have a common microscopic morphology but represent diverse bacterial pathogens. ...
Identification of gram-negative rods with the Quantum II Microbiology System: Probabilities and preproducibilityNo Abstract available for this article.doi:10.1007/BF01975988P. KappelerJ. Zollinger-ItenA. von GraevenitzBirkhäuser-VerlagExperientia
关键词: Gram‐positive bacilli, pathogens restricted to three genera clostridium species, Gram‐positive rods, C. tetani and tetanus clostridium botulinum and botulism, a paralytic disease Clostridium perfringens and gas gangrene lactobacillus Gram‐positive, bacillus, listeria ...
They are Gram-positive rods or cocci with a microaerophilic metabolism and produce lactic acid as the main fermentation end product, either alone (homofermentative LAB) or together with carbon dioxide and ethanol or acetic acid (heterofermentative LAB). ...
To identify Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria a number of approaches are used to classify/identify organisms. In clinical microbiology, phenotypic typing schemes (particularly Gram staining) are some of the most common and effective techniques for bacteria identification. ...