The term “Gram stain test” as used herein refers to a staining procedure which differentiates bacteria into two groups (Gram positive and Gram negative) on the basis of differences in their cell-wall structure. In brief, bacteria are heat-fixed to slides, stained with a purple dye (crystal...
[21] Endolysins can pass through the cytoplasmic membrane, thus degrading the PG barrier of gram-positive bacteria, whereas access to the PG barrier of gram-negative bacteria is physically limited by OM. However, the use of recombinant endolysin together with cationic agents that permeate the ...
These interactions can induce conformational changes in the cell wall, causing bacteria cell necrosis [43]. Positive peptide sequences can disrupt the lipid sequence of bacterial membranes by clustering lipids in one region due to the attraction to the cationic peptides, which stops cell growth [...