Prevalence of gram negative bacteria causing community acquired pneumonia among adults in Mwanza City, TanzaniaBackground: Community acquired pneumonia (CAP) in adults is still a common and serious illness in the sub-Saharan Africa. Identification of the pathogens is crucial in the management of CAP...
OBJECTIVE To investigate drug resistance and prevalence of gram-negative bacillus causing hospital acquired pneumonia in recent three years with an aim to provide reference for clinical therapy and prevention of nosocomial infections.METHODS A total of 1187clinical strains of gram-negative bacillus were ...
pneumonia, and meningitis because they generally cause severe disease.Escherichia coliis the most common gram-negative pathogen (Boghossian et al., 2013). Other gram-negative organisms responsible forHAIincludeKlebsiella,Pseudomonas,Enterobacter,Acinetobacter,Serratia,Haemophilus,Citrobacter, andSalmonellaspp...
What Does Gram-Negative Mean? Hans Christian Gram invented thegram stainingtechnique in 1882 to determine which strain of bacteria (between gram-positive or gram-negative bacteria) was causing a type of pneumonia in humans. The staining technique he developed was used to differentiate between gram-...
There are evidences that several Gram-negative bacterial strains use their core LPS to interact with C-type lectin receptor.(由于近来发现的C型凝集素受体与某些革兰氏阴性菌的核心脂多糖(核心lps)有作用。) Conclusions Chromobacterium violaceum is a kind of Gram-negative bacteria, and has strong viru...
mostlyhadpneumoniaweregivenintravenous ned,itappearsthatitismainlyexcretedbynon- renalroutes.[43]ThelackofcorrelationbetweenpolymyxinBtherapeuticallyforinfectionsdueto MDRGram-negativebacteriawithclinicalre- colistinkineticsandrenalfunctionraisestheissue sponseratesrangingfrom47.3%to95%and ofcolistindosingincriticallyill...
Gram-negative bacterium, any of various types of bacteria that are characterized by having a thin peptidoglycan cell wall surrounded by an outer membrane containing lipopolysaccharide that is in turn enveloped by a capsule. These bacteria are so-named be
Gram negativecoccobacillus bacteriahavebacterial shapesthat are in between spherical and rod shaped. Bacteria of the genus Haemophilus and Acinetobacter are coccobacilli that cause serious infections.Haemophilus influenzaecan cause meningitis, sinus infections, and pneumonia.8 Acinetobacter species cause pn...
Rapid Molecular Diagnostics of Pneumonia Caused by Gram-Negative Bacteria: A Clinician’s Review by Ionela-Anca Pintea-Simon 1,2, Ligia Bancu 2,*, Anca Delia Mare 3, Cristina Nicoleta Ciurea 3, Felicia Toma 3 and Adrian Man 3 1 Doctoral School of Medicine and Pharmacy, George ...
Colistin (polymyxin E) is a cationic polypeptide (Figure 1a), produced by Paenibacillus polymyxa [15] and considered one of the last-resort antibiotics against MDR Gram-negative bacteria such as E. coli, P. aeruginosa, K. pneumoniae, and A. baumannii responsible for pneumonia, bacteremia, and...