Graft-versus-host disease is a potentially serious complication in a recipient of an allograft (usually a haematopoietic stem cell transplant) that arises from the attack of recipient tissues (such as the skin, liver or gut) by donor-derived T cells.Latest...
The article presents an overview of graft-versus-host disease, which is a common complication of haemopoietic-cell transplantation, an intensive therapy used to treat high-risk haematological malignant disorders and other life-threatening haematological and genetic diseases. A discussion of the risk ...
Teshima, T. et al. Acute graft-versus-host disease does not require alloantigen expression on host epithelium.Nature Med.8, 575–581 (2002).This study shows that CD4+T cells can mediate GVHD in MHC-mismatched transplants without contacting recipient non-haematopoietic tissues. ArticleCASPubMedGo...
ersus Host Disease. Graft versus Host Disease.Graft versus Host Disease.The article presents s of medical research. They include "Elimination of human alloreactive T-lymphocytes by anti-CD95 mediated activation-induced cell death for preventing graft-versus-host disease in allogeneic bone marrow ...
Higman, M. A. & Vogelsang, G. B. Chronic graft versus host disease.125, 435–454 (2004). ArticlePubMedGoogle Scholar Aosai, F. et al. Different types of allospecific CTL clones identified by their ability to recognize peptide loading-defective target cells.Eur. J. Immunol.21, 2767–27...
View article Chapter Leukemia Integrating Conventional and Chinese Medicine in Cancer Care Book2007,Integrating Conventional and Chinese Medicine in Cancer Care TaiLahansL.AC., M.TCM, M.Ed. Explore book Graft-versus-host disease Graft-versus-host diseaseis a reaction of the donor's immune system ...
Graft-versus-hostdisease 系统标签: graftdiseasehostversusengraftmentfatal 1of16 HIGHLIGHTSOFPRESCRIBINGINFORMATION Thesehighlightsdonotincludealltheinformationneededtouse ALLOCORDsafelyandeffectively.Seefullprescribinginformationfor ALLOCORD. ALLOCORD(HPC,CordBlood) InjectableSuspensionforIntravenousUse InitialU.S.Approva...
“Graft-Versus-Host Disease”这是什么病呢?求中文译名, 答案 中文名:移植物抗宿主病下面是英语解释A common and serious, complication of bone marrow transplantation where there is a reaction of donated bone marrow against a patient's own tissue. When donor lymphocytes or a graft containing lymphocytes...
Graft versus host disease, or GVHD, is a complication of a stem cell transplant, a treatment for blood cancers and certain blood or immune system disorders. With GVHD, white blood cells called T cells from the donor -- the graft, or the “G” in GVHD -- attack cells within the recipie...
S. “Secondary disease” of radiation chimeras: a syndrome due to lymphoid aplasia. Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 99, 374–385 (1962). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Billingham, R. E. The biology of graft-versus-host reactions. Harvey Lect. 62, 21–78 (1966). PubMed Google Scholar ...