predominantfeatureoftheGraffitigesturealphabet (Figure1,top)isthateachstrokeresemblesitsassigned Romanletter.Thisisintendedtofacilitatelearning.Support forthiswasfoundinapreviousstudy,whereusers demonstrated97%accuracyafteronlyfiveminutesof practice[6]. Otheralphabets(e.g.,Jot)employasimilarapproach,but ...
Draw the first letter 'i' using straight and curve lines to convey the style which is embossed. 2 Draw the letter 'r' using straight and curve lines with edges like an arrow. The letter is also draw higher than the first. 3 Draw another letter 'i' which is higher than 'r' and wit...
Draw the first letter 'i' using straight and curve lines to convey the style which is embossed. 2 Draw the letter 'r' using straight and curve lines with edges like an arrow. The letter is also draw higher than the first. 3 Draw another letter 'i' which is higher than 'r' and wit...