Wait 30 minutes for the paint remover to loosen the graffiti from the concrete and then scrape off the loosened graffiti using a heavy-duty plastic scraper. Rinse the concrete with the power washer to flush away the graffiti and paint remover. Tip Paint the entire concrete surface if all gra...
GRAFFITI REMOVAL PRODUCTS Unwanted graffiti attracts more graffiti. Find everything you need to take graffiti off of concrete, brick and natural stone surfaces like it was never there. Once you've erased graffiti, protect your investments from future attacks with our line of protective treatments....
Graffiti Remover removes a variety of graffiti media, including spray paints and magic marker, from most smooth masonry, split-faced concrete block, wood and metal surfaces. Easy-to-use and compliant with all national, state and district AIM VOC regulations, Graffiti Remover contains no methanol,...
Chemical removers were used to clean the stained surfaces to understand the impact of the photocatalytic coatings during the conventional cleaning procedure. The effectiveness of cleaning was assessed by visual observations, colour measurements, and the percentage of residual stain. The anti-graffiti ...
Safe for use on polycarbonate Removes graffiti from: Marble Travertine Limestone Granite Sandstone Slate Fired Clay Concrete Wood Metal Polycarbonate Glass Painted Surface – may cause damage to substrate, test first. Always test first in an inconspicuous area ...
AEROPAK Graffiti Spray Paint is specially formulated for spraying from a hand-held pressurized can for application on a wide range of surfaces both interior and exterior. Idear for use on concrete, metal, cupboards, gates, fences, canvas and etc. Perfect for Do-It-Yourself paint...
easy-off is an incredibly effective adhesive remover and these cleaning wipes get straight to work softening glue, melting adhesive and mopping up uncured silicone. Ideal for removing sticky residue left behind by stickers on all hard surfaces easy-off adhesive removing wipes leave surfaces sticky ta...
Diedrich Technologies : FAQ's - New Construction Masonry Cleaners Masonry Restoration Cleaning Paint Removers Water Repellents Architectural & Specialty Cleaners Graffiti Management & Removal System masonry cleaning, masonry resoration, graffiti, restora
removal of graffiti using only normal water or antigraffiti removers; anti-adhesive, creates an anti-poster effect – poster tapes and adhesives are more difficult to stick to the protected surface; UV-resistant, does not turn yellow;
Graffiti Remover multi-surface paint remover Heavy Duty Paint Stripper Multi-layer paint remover Safety Peel 1 Environmentally responsible paint remover New! SafStrip High-strength paint & coatings remover SafStrip 8 Neutral pH paint stripper