Grafana服务加载Zabbix插件时报错zabbix plugin failed Error: Fetch error: 404 Not Found Instantiating 该故障是由于Grafana关联的plugin插件版本导致的报错,建议升级Grafana到Version 7.2.1。该版本预装Zabbix插件可直接使用不用执行grafana-cli plugins install alexanderzobnin-zabbix-app在线安装命令。 转载于 博主:qq_4...
I can’t log in to the database with the zabbix plugin I can’t log in to the database via Putty, but from the graph I receive the following error. “Error.Inavilid params. Incorrect user name or password or account is temporarily blocked.” Log is: logger=plugin.alexanderzobnin-zabbix...
Describe the bug After upgrading Grafana to 10.2.0 the Zabbix Plugin failed to load. However it did work for around 6hrs. I now get this error message and the date source config page does not work. Zabbix plugin failed Error: 404 , loadi...
Grafana Zabbix Grafana-Zabbix Plugin 8.3.1 5.4.9 4.2.4 A few days ago , I updated the zabbix from 5.2.2 to 5.4.9 At the same time , I reinstall the grafana and grafana-zabbix plugin , but when I create the panel , I got this error By the...
grafana-cli plugins install alexanderzobnin-zabbix-app Restart grafana after installing plugins systemctl restart grafana-server 配置数据源: 测试数据源: 4报错 web端添加zabbix数据源提示: 查看日志报错: logger=plugin.alexanderzobnin-zabbix-datasource t=2023-05-06T17:56:58.9+0800 lvl=eror msg="Zabbix...
然后到grafana web中的plugin 启动zabbix 然后登录grafana web找到如下截图(还是会提示错误,但是不影响enable启用) 然后往下拉,可以看到zabbixx 点击进去可以看到下图,然后点击enable开启zabbix插件 添加数据源,如下图添加数据源 添加Add data souce后往下拉,找到zabbix,点击后面的Select进入zabbix数据源编辑界面 ...
安装的Grafana版本是9.4.1,zabbix插件版本是4.3.1,按道理是能匹配上的,但是在Dashboards加载的时候报错了,后台看了日志如图3所示,有没有大佬遇到过如何解决的?感谢(补充下:Zabbix API version: 5.0.34) 图1 版本关系 图2 报错页面 图3 报错日志
"Failed to load plugin" logger=plugins error="plugin \"alexanderzobnin-zabbix-datasource\" is unsigned" pluginPath=/var/lib/grafana/plugins/alexanderzobnin-zabbix-app/datasource-zabbix" I had changed my/etc/grafana/grafana.inito use my MySQL Grafana database yet it was using sqlite3. I also...
Zabbix 利用 Grafana 进行图形展示 Grafana 是一款采用 go 语言编写的开源应用,主要用于大规模指标数据的可视化展现,是网络架构和应用分析中最流行的时序数据展示工具,目前已经支持绝大部分常用的时序数据库 使用Grafana 显示Zabbix的监控数据过程 安装grafana
grafana-cli plugins install alexanderzobnin-zabbix-app Or see more installation options in docs. Getting started First, configure Zabbix data source. Then you can create your first dashboard with step-by-step Getting started guide. Documentation About Installation Getting Started Templating Alerting Me...