在Variables页面,单击New。 按照如下参数配置模板变量,然后单击Add。 参数 说明 Name 变量名称,例如hostname。该名称是您配置中使用的变量,此处为hostname,则查询条件中需写成$hostname。 Type 选择Custom。 Label 输入域名。 Custom Options 配置为*,example.com,example.org,example.net,表示可以查看所有域名的访问情...
Tags query:返回数据源查询中tags的列表 Tag values query:应该返回指定tags的值列表的数据源查询。在查询中使用$tag引用当前选中的标记。 Interval variables 使用区间类型创建一个变量,代表一个时间跨度(如1m,1h、1d)。还有一个特殊auto Option选项,将根据当前时间范围的变化。您可以指定多少个时间范围来划分,计算当...
Hi Community, I am creating observability metrics which needs some variables. The variables I am looking for is currentDate or currentHour. I am adding Query type and Data Source is Prometheus, however I am not able to …
Query parameters Formats single- and multi-valued variables into their query parameter representation. Example:var-foo=value1&var-foo=value2 bash servers=["test1","test2"]String to interpolate:'${servers:queryparam}'Interpolation result:"var-servers=test1&var-servers=test2" ...
Using variables in queries: There are two syntaxes(语法): Bash $: Example: @hostname:$hostname[[varname]]:Example: @hostname:[[hostname]] 为什么有两种方式? 第一种语法更易于读写,但不允许在单词中间使用变量。 启用“Multi-value”或“Include all value”选项后,Grafana会将标签从纯文本转换为与...
The following dashboards in Grafana Play provide examples of template variables: Templating, repeated panels- Using query variables to control how many panels appear. Templated Dynamic Dashboard- Uses query variables, chained query variables, an interval variable, and a repeated panel. ...
GraphQL中操作类型有:query(查询)、mutation(增删改)、subscription(订阅)。 变量(Variables) 在参数演示了将参数值加在字段上,但很多情况下请求参数都是动态的,如何适配这一场景呢?使用前需要: 使用$vname 替代查询中的静态值 在操作名称后声明$vname为查询接受的变量之一 ...
I understand where to insert the variable {namespace=~"$namespace"} into the count_values("__label_name__", __metric__) query. Here’s how I’m using it on Grafana: count_values("kube_daemonset_status_number_available", kube_daemonset_status_number_available {namespace=~"...
Use a custom variable for values that do not change. This might be numbers, strings, or even other variables. For example, if you have server names or region names that do not change, you can create them as custom variables rather than query variables. Because they do not change, you ...
What happened: When trying to filter results of Grafana variable populated using label_values and Prometheus query, for example: label_values(trivy_image_vulnerabilities, severity) by trying to keep only results where value is greater th...