mysql> ALTER TABLE sale_detail_bloom SET ("bloom_filter_columns" = "customer_id,sku_id"); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec) 1. 2. 删除过滤器索引 mysql> ALTER TABLE sale_detail_bloom SET ("bloom_filter_columns"= ""); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) 1. 2. 合理设置分...
curl -G 'http://localhost:8086/query' --data-urlencode "db=mydb" --data-urlencode "epoch=s" --data-urlencode "q=SELECT \"value\" FROM \"cpu_load_short\" WHERE \"region\"='us-west'" 1. {"results":[{"statement_id":0,"series":[{"name":"cpu_load_short","columns":["time"...
Panel:面板,实际上就是row展现信息的方式,支持表格(table),列表(alert list),热图(Heatmap)等多种方式,具体能够去官网上查阅。 Query Editor:查询编辑器,用来指定获取哪一部分数据。相似于sql查询语句,好比你要在某个row里面展现test这张表的数据,那么Query Editor里面就能够写成select *from test。这只是一种比方...
在指标下边的选项中:勾选 Fromat 为 Table;在 Type 中点选 Instant。 在右侧 Visualization 的下拉框中,选择 Table。 以上操作完成之后,panel中已经呈现出表格的基本形态,包括 Time/id/type/Value 等4列。 增加百分比列 我们要展示各个道具ID占总产出的比例,其实就是将 各个ID数量对应的 range vector 和 总数量...
selecttc.table_name Table_name ,tc.column_id Column_id ,lower(tc.column_name) Column_name ,lower(tc.data_type) Data_type ,nvl(tc.data_precision,tc.data_length) Length ,lower(tc.data_scale) Data_scale ,tc.nullable nullableFROMall_tab_columns tc ,all_tables tWHEREtc.table_name=t.table...
In Grafana, navigate to the dashboard with the table with the columns that you want to filter. Hover over any part of the panel to which you want to add the link to display the actions menu on the top right corner. Click the menu and selectEdit. ...
SELECT DISTINCT ON (time_column) time_column, value_column FROM table_name ORDER BY time_column, other_columns 在上面的查询语句中,time_column是时间戳列,value_column是值列,table_name是表名,other_columns是其他需要排序的列(如果有的话)。通过按时间戳列排序并使用distinct on()语句,我们可以获取每...
Select the values to present in the table: Select + to the right of Value columns to select the value columns that will appear on the pane. For each value column, set the aggregation type. You can set one or more value columns. This selection is equivalent to using the summarize operator...
SELECT title as 'Title', user.login as 'Created By' , dashboard.created as 'Created On' FROM dashboard INNER JOIN user on = dashboard.created_by WHERE $__timeFilter(dashboard.created) You can control the name of the Table panel columns by using regular as SQL column selection...