Prepare time series(配置时间序列) 当数据源以与所需可视化不兼容的格式返回时间序列数据时,使用此转换可以解决问题。这种转换允许你在长/宽格式之间转换时间序列数据,从而提供数据帧结构的灵活性。 Format可用选项 BASIC Multi-frametimeseries:使用此选项可将时间序列数据帧从宽格式转换为长格式。 Widetimeseries:选择...
Partition by values 通过一个或多个字段中的唯一/枚举值进行区分 Prepare time series 对时间序列数据宽-长格式进行转换 Reduce 压缩字段 Rename by regex 使用正则表达式和替换模式重命名部分查询结果 Rows to fields 将行转换为字段 Series to rows 将行转换为单独的字段 Sort by 字段排序 Spatial operations 将空...
通过 Zookeeper,Grafana 可以实现监控数据的一致性和实时性。 3. 核心算法原理和具体操作步骤 3.1 Zookeeper 的 Paxos 协议 Paxos 协议是 Zookeeper 的核心算法,用于实现一致性和可靠性。Paxos 协议包括两个阶段:准备阶段(Prepare Phase)和决策阶段(Accept Phase)。 3.1.1 准备阶段 准备阶段的流程如下: 客户端向 Zoo...
Timestampjson_data 1636678740000000000 {"value": 1} 1636678680000000000 {"value": 5} 1636678620000000000 {"value": 12} You could prepare the data to be used by a Time series panel with this configuration: Source: json_data Format: JSON Field: value Alias: my_value Replace all fields: ...
From creating a detailed README file to using our plugin validator tool, here are six tips to prepare your Grafana plugin for our review and... Grafana | Intermediate Procedural Run Grafana behind a reverse proxy Learn how to run Grafana behind a reverse proxy Grafana | Beginner Procedural Ins...
在使用Grafana时隐藏表中的"time"列,可以通过以下步骤实现: 1. 登录到Grafana仪表盘,并选择要进行操作的面板。 2. 点击面板右上角的“编辑”按钮,进入编辑模式。 3. 在编辑模...
s sc = statement.%PrepareClassQuery("%SYS.DatabaseQuery", "FreeSpace") s rs = statement.%Execute() while (rs.%Next()) { s databaseName = rs.%Get("DatabaseName") s freeRate = rs.%GetData(7) s availableNum = rs.%Get("AvailableNum") ...
Prepare time series transformation is useful when a data source returns time series data in a format that isn’t supported by the panel you want to use.This transformation helps you resolve this issue by converting the time series data from either the wide format to the long format or the ...
You can put ingesters in “read-only” mode through calling thePrepare Instance Ring DownscaleAPI endpoint. Ingesters in read-only mode don’t receive write requests, but can still receive read requests. Ingesters in read-only mode are not part of the shuffle shard for the write operation...
Prepare the data file After I downloaded my race data in Excel format, I had to edit the race-date format before exporting the resulting file to CSV.Here's my running results page: The resulting CSV looks like this: Event Name,Event Date,Distance,Finish Time,Pace,Gun Time,Overall Place,...