grafana_1 | t=2020-10-07T08:37:01+0000 lvl=warn msg="Could not render image, no image renderer found/installed. For image rendering support please install the grafana-image-renderer plugin. Read more at" logger=rendering ...
image-renderer grafaanaketan27 September 9, 2022, 1:11pm 1 Trying to install and configure grafana image renders to have reports with pdf and inline images. I need to send report to emails. Getting below error: {"collectDefaultMetrics":true,"level":"info","message":"Metrics enabled","...
services: grafana: image: grafana/grafana:latest ports: -‘3000:3000’ environment: GF_RENDERING_SERVER_URL: http://renderer:8081/render GF_RENDERING_CALLBACK_URL: http://grafana:3000/ GF_LOG_FILTERS: rendering:debug renderer: image: grafana/grafana-image-renderer:latest ports: - 8081 Next,...
INVALID_IMAGE_HASH浏览器崩溃 谷歌浏览器崩溃,错误码为STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_HASH 谷歌浏览器插件报错...这个会导致签名不是谷歌或者微软的模块被阻止加载 解决 禁用渲染器代码完整性保护功能 通过文件禁用渲染器代码完整性保护功能 (推荐) : - 打开运行输入regedit进入注册表编辑器 - 进入文件夹...RendererCode...
services: grafana: image: grafana/grafana-enterprise container_name: grafana restart: unless-stopped # if you are running as root then set it to 0 # else find the right id with the id -u command user: '0' ports: - '3000:3000' # adding the mount volume point which we create earlier...
首先,查看Grafana的日志文件,通常位于Grafana安装目录下的data/log文件夹中。搜索与“failed to get renderer plugin sources”相关的错误消息,这可能会提供更多关于问题的详细信息。 确认插件目录的存在和权限: 确保Grafana的插件目录(通常是data/plugins)存在,并且Grafana服务有权限读取和写入该目录。你可以使用以下命令来...
解压安装包:将下载的安装包解压到希望安装的目录。 配置Grafana:根据操作系统启动Grafana服务,并修改配置文件(如grafana.ini)进行必要的配置。 启动Grafana:使用命令行或图形界面启动Grafana服务。 登录Grafana:在浏览器中输入Grafana的地址,使用默认用户名admin登录,首次登录时修改密码。 配置数据源:登录后,在Grafana的Web...
I am confused as I found 3 closed issues with PRs on this topic (#65, #346, and #424) yet the, the release artifacts, and the attempt to do a "grafana-cli plugins install grafana-image-renderer" all indicate ARM64 is still not supported. In particular, it appears that ...
What this PR does / why we need it: grafana-plugin-model is legacy and is replaced by new backend plugins SDK and architecture. Renderer is not part of SDK and we want to keep it that way for now since it's highly unlikely there will be more than one kin