i would like to have a key in the panel configuration, "hide panel if no data" with a boolean value Who is this feature for? the users which will use this feature are admins which create dashboards Thanks you!
Grafana allows you to query, visualize, alert on and understand your metrics no matter where they are stored. Create, explore, and share dashboards with your team and foster a data driven culture: Visualize: Fast and flexible client side graphs with a multitude of options. Panel plugins for...
The deprecated support for monitoring Grafana frontend using Sentry javascript agent has been removed in this release. If you have frontend logging enabled and are sending telemetry to Sentry by setting `sentry_dsn` configuration property, this will no longer work. Otherwise, if frontend logging is ...
Table panel: Add alt and title text options to image cell type #89930, @codeincarnate Tempo: Add toggle for streaming #88685, @fabrizio-grafana Tempo: Remove kind=server from metrics summary #89419, @joey-grafana Tempo: Run go get #89335, @fabrizio-grafana Tem...
- **Dashboards:** Enable feature flag `newPanelChromeUI` by default. [#65593](https://github.com/grafana/grafana/pull/65593), [@axelavargas](https://github.com/axelavargas) - **Dataplane:** Support timeSeriesLong without transform. [#62732](https://github.com/grafana/grafana/pull/627...
Hide Controls:隐藏行控制,快捷键:ctrl+H Panel Options graph Tooltip Default:当你在鼠标悬停时在某个模版时,显示改graph的提示框。 Shared crosshair:当你在鼠标悬停时,它会在dashboard上的所有图形上绘制一条红色的垂直线。快捷方式:按CTRL + O shared Tooltip:当你在鼠标悬停时,它会在dashboard上的所有图形...
Configure the panel Hide the panel (optional) Running a Server This plugin works by harvesting information about a user's session and the current environment, and forwarding that data as JSON to an endpoint of your choice. To use this plugin, you must run a server to receive and store/emit...
Panel 背景色 Metric 字体色 Dsiabled 无色 Colors 颜色 Other Options其它选项 Auto scroll alerts on overflow 溢出时自动滚动警报 Use 'Disable' color if no data如果没有数据,使用“禁用”颜色 Ignore color in OK state忽略OK状态下的颜色 Hide alerts in Disabled state 隐藏处于禁用状态的警报 ...
搜索你想要的插件,如GraphPanel。 点击安装按钮,插件将自动安装到你的Grafana实例中。 在面板配置中选择新安装的插件,然后按照插件的文档进行配置。 24.3配置插件 插件的配置通常包括选择数据源、设置查询参数、调整图表样式等。具体配置方式取决于你选择的插件,但通常插件的文档会提供详细的配置指南。
Rows can be collapsed or expanded allowing you to hide parts of the dashboard. Panels inside a collapsed row do not issue queries. Userepeating rowsto dynamically create rows based on a template variable. Dashboard panel- Thepanelis the primary building block of a dashboard. ...