To see examples, refer to Filter variables with regex. In the Sort list, select the sort order for values to be displayed in the dropdown list. The default option, Disabled, means that the order of options returned by your data source query will be used. (Optional) Enter Selection ...
2 默认配置zabbix数据源,不再赘述,然后进入,注意这里可以导入自带的dash board 3 增加dashboard变量部分 这部分很重要,变量可以是常量,时间,从datasource 查询的值,设置多级变量的时候,新版grafana的设置略微不同,以zabbix为例 创建grou...
(Optional) In the Regex field, type a regex expression to filter or capture specific parts of the names returned by your data source query. To see examples, refer to Filter variables with regex. In the Sort list, select the sort order for values to be displayed in the dropdown list. Th...
3.2.4 配置 Zabbix-MySQL dashboard PS:上面图中Regex是正则表达式的意思,Grafana使用的正则表达是是JS的,在Grafana说明文档的 Filter variables with regex 中提到 Regular expressions. 试想一下,Grafana是前端,使用JS正则也是一件很正常的的,js正则表达式有2种 : 一种是使用/...
(Optional) In theRegexfield, type a regex expression to filter or capture specific parts of the names returned by your data source query. To see examples, refer toFilter variables with regex. In theSortlist, select the sort order for values to be displayed in the dropdown list. The default...
Dashboards elasticsearch , query-help , regex , dashboard-variables 30 5123 September 14, 2023 Using a "text box" variable as an Elasticsearch query parameter elasticsearch 1 2541 January 24, 2022 Simple Boolean Logic in Queries with Variables Grafana Loki loki , query-help 1 2306 ...
Filtering variables with regexUsing the Regex Query option, you can filter the list of options returned by the variable query or modify the options returned. This section shows how to use regex to filter and modify values in the variable dropdown list. ...
Regex:/.*app="([^"]*).*/ $node Query:k8seggjs_nodejs_version_info{worker="app"} Regex:/.*instance="([^"]*).*/ 最终效果 Refs 当egg遇见K8s会发生什么? egg-exporter egg-prometheus filter-variables-with-regex 互相交流学习 我的微信:...
Alerting:Don't crash the page when trying to filter rules by regex#89466,@tomratcliffe Alerting:Enable remote primary mode using feature toggles#88976,@santihernandezc Alerting:Hide edit/view rule buttons according to deleting/creating state#90375,@tomratcliffe ...
It looks like this feature should be addressed by the functionality that was added in 7.4 for regex captures: ...