sh tmp_task_user "ADD COLUMN support tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'" tmp_task_userADD COLUMN support tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'No slaves found. See --recursion-method if host h=,P=3306 has slaves.Not checking slave lag because no slaves were ...
#第一步:删表 USE `STOREDB`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `TB_ORDER`; #第二步:建表 CREATE TABLE `TB_ORDER` ( `order_id` varchar(30) NOT NULL, `create_time` datetime NOT NULL, `pay_time` datetime NOT NULL, `total_fee` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `user_id` varchar(50) NOT NULL, PRIMARY...
The open and composable observability and data visualization platform. Visualize metrics, logs, and traces from multiple sources like Prometheus, Loki, Elasticsearch, InfluxDB, Postgres and many more. - Pulse · grafana/grafana
The ingester is responsible for batching up traces and pushing them to TempoDB. A live, or active, trace is a trace that has received a new batch of spans in more than a configured amount of time (default 10 seconds, set by ingester.trace_idle_period). After 10 seconds (or the conf...
db.chunk-gang-size [chunk_gang_size: <int> | default = 10] # Max number of chunk-get operations to start in parallel # CLI flag: -dynamodb.chunk.get-max-parallelism [chunk_get_max_parallelism: <int> | default = 32] backoff_config: # Minimum backoff time # CLI flag: -dynamodb....
Influxdb安装 : (后面会通过python先对阿里云日志服务的数据进行清洗,然后写进InfluxDB,让Grafana可以实时监控阿里云服务业务情况)阿里云wafpython获取waf日志脚本:#! /usr/bin/python3 import time from aliyun.log import * import pygeohash import pymysql import requests...
[gpadmin@mdw ~]$ which pgbouncer /usr/local/greenplum-db-6.26.3/bin/pgbouncer 3、pgbouncer可以配置在运行在Greenplum数据库的master上或另一台机器上,用户最好运行在Greenplum数据库的master上。 4、若配置了[databases]的具体值,则使用pgbouncer不能切换到其它数据库中 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 ...
When an alert is fired the attached image of the same panel is rendered without data chart although the stats in legend column are shown (data from elasticsearch must be delivered). Here is the screenshot of the whole alert: And here is enlarged chart from the message: ...
基于influxDB+graphite+grafana+statsd+collect+elasticserach+zabbix打造 一个全方位监控系统。 这个是基于kamon+statsd+graphite+grafana的jvm,api,socket等信息截图 --- In this article I’m going to look at collecting time-series metrics into the InfluxDB database and visualising them in snazzy Grafana d...